Would you place a goal in the children's room?

From Decoesfera, our sister blog dedicated to decoration, they teach us this curious vinyl to decorate a wall. At first glance, it doesn't seem like a good idea for children to hit wall shots trying to score a goal, but if we look a little further, it doesn't seem like such a bad idea.

Would you place a goal in the children's room? Most are football fans and would be happy to have a goal in their own room.

If we put the vinyl of a goal on the wall to give a football themed touch to the room, the child will want to use it, it is logical. There are those who think that the bedroom wall does not seem the most suitable place to throw balls and turn it into a soccer field, better not to give ideas.

But if we let them play with soft foam rubber balls so as not to spoil the wall and every so often we give them a coat of paint, which being the children's room, we must also give it once a year, the goal is no longer so threatening.

The illusion of the kids is priceless, and if the result is a slightly stained wall, it is not so serious, right? I used to seek more perfection with home decoration, now I think it is positive that they enjoy the space, which is also their home. Even instead of vinyl on the wall, you might even dare to draw the goal yourself.

Do you still think it's a bad idea place a goal in the children's room?