A wonderful world of learning in the decoration of your room

How special and emotional is the moment of prepare the child's room, whether it has arrived or not. Each couple has their hobbies and ours was to leave it almost for the last moment but yes, without hurry but without pause. To be very clear that we were about to create a little world for our little one in which to learn, dream, live and sleep.

First and essential rule: your room must be safe, better without carpet or carpets and your crib meet safety standards. The approved cribs in force today are those that comply with the UNE-EN 716-1: 2008 regulations and have between 4.5 to 6 cm away Between the bars

Once we have checked and secured all the dangerous elements such as plugs, closet doors or cot, let's go for the fun !!! (and learning)

Decorate and teach

Decorating your small or large space is not trivial. With a few simple guidelines we can make your room a world of color, development, growth and learning while he lives in a paradise for kids. Here are some simple ideas:

  • Decorate with colorful fabrics the ceiling of the room: animal, human and floral motifs will discover the colors and the environment that awaits you.

  • Another option to fabrics and especially at night is one of the toys that have been essential since day 1: a mobile projector. The mobile cuddly bears moves and emits relaxing music while projecting images that awaken the imagination of the little one and entertain him.

-Place a large magnetic painted panel on the wall and install multiple magnetic figures on it. When the manual coordination and fine motor skills of the child are more developed you will love to make figures, take them and throw them, place them and relocate them.

-Something that kids love is watching them grow so quickly. They feel very old to see that they are already taller stripes. A good idea to control the growth of your children and at the same time decorate is to place a meter Adhesive to your wall.

-The simplest and most effective way to achieve a spectacular final result is to choose a child theme and on it choose the decorative elements, the colors and the furniture. Since Tintin to the bottom of the sea, Mickey Mouse or a wild jungle may be the inspirations from which to leave.

  • A personal advice: once the theme is chosen, it is better to focus on few elements but good, original and with teaching possibilities. A room full of things, items that throw or break is not the best ideas for the baby. Always think about the practicality and ability and teach of the elements: a blackboard is much more didactic than a mega teddy bear that only attracts dust.

Photos | Kidshome, Apartment Therapy In Happy Learning | We learn together the 13 month. New menus for the little new adventures!