A catalog of more than 1000 Science videos for secondary school students has been presented

Santillana has signed an agreement with Twig for the distribution of more than 1000 Science videos for ESO and Baccalaureate students. The materials are made to measure according to the pedagogical criteria of the publisher.

The videos are original and are adjusted to the curricula. They collect the most visual contents of the Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Earth Sciences areas in Spanish language, using material from the best film archives worldwide, BBC, NHK, CBS or NASA. These audiovisuals are complemented by a learning resource that proposes questions and activities to help students reflect on the topics learned. Similarly, to further strengthen the concepts, they consist of a summary, a visual glossary, downloadable images, labeled or mute diagrams and an audio transcript. Teachers, through the didactic guide, can explore all the possibilities offered by each resource to support their work in class.

Twig is a British producer of educational films for school

The educational centers will be able to contract licenses that will give them access to the videos so that the teacher projects them in the classroom. Further, Students will be able to visualize the contents at home from the web again in order to deepen or review concepts worked in class.

Through the Web, All products made between a team of Twig specialists and more than 100 professors from different disciplines are accessed, which provide academic quality to the product. The films, with visual effects to stimulate the learning process, can be viewed on digital whiteboards, computers and mobile devices.

Within a wide range of possibilities, the site offers videos csubject matter: biology, physics, earth sciences and chemistry. From now on in schools that use these videos, students can learn in a pleasant and educational way about the extinction of species, the formation of snowflakes or the reactions of combustion.

The web offers a powerful search system that allows you to create interesting links between the contents. Videos can also be accessed through a content map and even through the glossary of scientific terms

It is certainly good news for the educational community, since can help teachers by facilitating the explanation of the subjects, and to students turning specially prepared visual stimuli into effective learning.

Video: SCIENCE WARS - Acapella Parody (July 2024).