is an informational website that explains hormonal contraceptive methods to young people

The website is an online platform aimed at a young audience with complete and reliable information on all hormonal contraceptive methods. It allows Quickly and easily visualize all methods and also compare them. The site is endorsed by the SEGO (Spanish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics).

The information is structured and answer the key questions: what it is, how it works, what are the benefits and what are the characteristics of each contraceptive. The page explains everything you need about the vaginal ring, the IUD, the hormonal implant, the patch, the combined pill, the estrogen-free pill, and other methods.

The page includes other sections of interest as 'Talk to your doctor' to help prepare the consultation with the gynecologist, a method comparator, explanations of the different routes of administration, etc. Also on the page you can find access to an office run by Dr. Marta Suárez, gynecologist. Its mission is to respond to any question made using email, confidentially and in a maximum of 48 hours. is a site especially youth oriented, although the information it offers may also be useful for women who have just had a baby, women who reach maturity and do not want to have more children, parents who want to advise their children about contraception when they have their first sexual relations and in General for all who want to know and know.

On the Contraceptives page today you can find the support of characters that are a reference for young audiences and that show, in videos, their recommendations on the need to be informed about contraception and to have criteria to choose the contraceptive method that best suits everyone, including the option of going to the gynecologist to have a diagnosis. Among those who have already participated are singer Conchita and actors Guillermo Barrientos and Luz de Paz.

The entire project is an initiative of MSD, a global health leader known as Merck & Co., Inc. in the United States and Canada. Laboratories specialize in medications, vaccines, biological therapies and consumer products.

We congratulate MSD for the initiative and it is always important to know, especially for young people, all possible methods of contraception. According to the report 'Youth in Spain' carried out by Injuve in 2008, it was indicated that the average age of the first sexual intercourse in young men was 16.5 years and 17.2 in women, so parents also have to catch up and know what happens in the lives of our children.

Video: Female Birth Control Options. Family Planning (May 2024).