Celebrating Christmas with children: their first letter to the Three Kings

I am sure that if we try to visualize a letter addressed to the Magi, the list or request format comes to mind. A more or less long relationship of articles requested from His Majesties of the East with a calligraphy according to the age of the applicant and, with a bit of luck, decorated with some drawing or ornament that makes it more attractive and therefore, striking, for their recipients

It is obvious that many of our children can not resort to this format, because they have not yet begun in the art of writing, but should they do without a ritual as magical as this? Let's see what other fun ways to make a letter to the three wise men we can find.

Blessed gomets

Surely most parents have ever used gomets as a very practical resource for a lot of things. They serve to decorate, create frames, learn shapes and colors and of course, create countless figures with them.

The little ones, those who have not yet learned to use a pencil and make the simplest strokes, are likely to know how to compose some simple shapes based on these recurring stickers. Hence, that one of the options for prepare an original letter to the Magi be using these gomets.

To do this, an adult can first define the outline of the figure by drawing it and then we will help the little one in choosing the most appropriate shapes and colors to also guide him in the composition. For example, if we want Los Reyes to bring us a ball, we will draw a circle and teach the child to decorate it on the inside. The result may not look much like the original, but the child can understand the concept by the form and tones worked.

When the image is worth as much as the words

Our children usually learn to draw before to write, that is why other of our magic letters are going to have the main element a drawing made by them, in which they should try to capture the gift they would like to be brought for Christmas.

They can use any pictorial technique according to their age, but of course we will be guiding and helping them to express their thoughts better.

After the drawing, we can reinforce the concept drawn with written language, so that they associate the written word to the specific object. Thus we would write CUENTO or PIANO next to its drawing and in capital letters, because it is the type of letter that usually begins in writing and reading.

Here it is worth copying

If your son or daughter is already around three years old, he may be able to copy certain strokes of letters with the help of an adult, so he could write his first 'written' letter to the Magi.

Again in capital letters, we will write with simple lines the names of the articles that he has expressed to us previously and we will encourage you to copy the letters, one by one, in a different role, being able to guide your hand in the most complicated turns.

Then you can decorate with gomets or reinforce with a drawing your requests, but in any case, we must never forget that this should not become a must and uncomfortable task for the child. It is about carrying out a fun activity together, with a very attractive purpose and that also contributes to the child's learning, either at a motor level, as a language or in their cognitive development at a global level.

In Happy Learning | How to celebrate Christmas with children: three plans to do as a family

Video: TRADITIONS: How the SPANISH Celebrate Christmas, New Years & 3 Kings Day (July 2024).