Pediamécum: information on pediatric medicines at the click of a button

If we have lost any prospect of a regular medication and we want a reliable source of consultation, we can now do it online. Pediamécum is an online database of pediatric medications, a documentary archive of the active principles commonly used in pediatrics.

Tabs appear that can be consulted in alphabetical order, by the name of the active substance or by any word that appears in its content. Each file contains all the relevant information of the product in question: contraindications doses, interactions ... including at the end a list of commercial presentations or brands that sell it.

At the end of each file, which can be downloaded in pdf format, there is a short form in case we wish to send any comments on the matter consulted to the AEP Medicines Committee.

From the web they inform that the data available in each of the pediamécum tokens They have been reviewed and are based on the bibliography cited in each of them, but in no case should they replace the authorized technical sheet of each of the different medications.

The technical sheet (or summary of the product characteristics) is approved by the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products (AEMPS) or the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and reflects the authorized conditions of use for the medicine.

The current version of the Pediamécum It has more than 250 active substances, but it is still incomplete and not all the pediatric drugs of habitual use are available. These will be incorporated throughout the year 2013. Anyway, we will try not to lose the paper leaflets that accompany the medicines ...

Official Site | Pediamécum In Babies and more | GIPI search engines, specialized in pediatrics, Pediatricians speak: the cuts harm health, PediaClic, search engine for information on children's and youth health