Every princess needs a castle: Little People Disney's singing princess palace comes to her rescue

There is no game that I remember more, when I was little, than that of the princesses. I dreamed of being a strawberry lip princess locked in a castle, with palatial life and dreams of freedom in the face of a life of wealth but forced husbands and boring obligations. To do this I used dolls, house junk and my imagination. Oh if I had known ...

Oh if I had known this castle. Nothing would have made me more excited than having my own pink and purple palace, with its battlements, towers and dragons stalking the place. When I met him, my first thought was: if I was between 2 and 5 years old, the Singing Princesses Palace of Little People would certainly be the gift I would ask the Three Kings.

Their colors can not be more princely, and the favorites of the princesses of the house (pink flooded my life and floods it so far, now old).

Have seven areas of creative play, a living room, a kitchen, a bedroom, a balcony, a dressing room, my dream as an adult, and a magic dance floor That really turns. A fanfarrea sounds when its doors open, and recognizes each of the Little People Disney princesses and responds to its name. Includes a little people figure of Cinderella and another of Snow White.

That and the imagination of the princess of our house will make her Christmas evenings and year-round, a dream of dragons and dungeons. Our daughters will decide to invent their own fairy tale that will begin in this castle and will continue in their real life.