Christmas recipes to make with children. White chocolate nougat and Lacasitos

At Christmas when the elderly try to control our sweets as much as possible, the little ones see the moment to peck at their leisure all kinds of "goodies" that are around the trays. But undoubtedly what is most successful among them are always the specialties with chocolate, it is the first thing that ends when there are children at home and at least in mine, the nougat that never exceeds. And it is that always, as they say, we like more than that of "the elders." That is why this year I have decided to prepare them homemade like this white chocolate nougat and Lacasitos They love it.

In the artisan chocolate nougat you have to add cocoa butter, you can buy this in pastry shops but if you do not find it, it would be perfectly worth adding the same proportion of lard. Do not worry about this ingredient, the amount added is very small and serves to give brightness and stability to the chocolate coating. This by the way, you must choose it of great quality.


  • 200 g of white chocolate topping for desserts, 20 g of cocoa butter or lard, 20 g of puffed rice cereals, 20 g of Lacasitos.

How to make white chocolate nougat and Lacasitos

We prepare a rectangular silicone mold and if we do not have it, a tetrabrik of milk or juice cut along it can serve us perfectly as a mold. We will start by pouring chocolate and cocoa butter in a microwave-safe bowl. We will melt it gently in one minute intervals until we see that there are no more pieces, as in about two or three minutes or so.

Add the puffed rice cereals and stir to incorporate them into the chocolate. Sprinkle some Lacasitos in the bottom of the mold, add the mixture of chocolate and rice and decorate with other lacasitos. Let cool inside the mold without covering a minimum of eight hours to cool, unmold when it has set.


Processing time | 15 minutes + curd time Difficulty | Easy


He white chocolate nougat and Lacasitos It is a fun candy to prepare with the children at these parties. Ideally, serve it cut into strips accompanying a good glass of milk. Of course you can vary the coverage and prepare it with another type of chocolate, but the white being so sweet, almost everyone likes it.