Excess Omega-6 fats before pregnancy may reduce the chances of having a male baby

The mother's diet during pregnancy is very important for the development of the baby, but also the one before becoming pregnant. This is demonstrated by a new study from the University of Griffith, Queensland (Australia), which studied the effects of a diet rich in Omega-6 or linoleic acid before pregnancy.

The conclusions, published in The Journal of Physiology, showed that Excessive consumption of Omega-6 before pregnancy could be related to a lower percentage of male babies. In addition, it also seems to negatively influence the growth of the baby and the development of pregnancy.

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Diet rich in linoleic acid

Dr. Deanne Skelly, Vice Dean of Learning and Teaching and Professor at the Griffith School of Environment and Sciences, who led the research 'Diet high in maternal linoleic acid during pregnancy' explains that the general population "Consumes more and more Omega 6 fats, in particular linoleic acid and that Australians in particular are eating three times the recommended daily intake":

"The study showed that mothers who consumed a diet high in linoleic acid had altered concentrations of inflammatory proteins and increased their levels of prostaglandin E (a protein that can cause uterine contraction during pregnancy), while decreasing leptin , the hormone that regulates the growth and development of the fetus. "

"Our study showed that eating a diet high in linoleic acid reduced the percentage of male babies."

According to the director of the study, the results suggest that women planning a pregnancy should consider reducing the amount of Omega-6 fats in their diet, although they still do not know if excessive consumption can cause long-term harmful effects to the baby.

Dr. Skelly points out that they are currently investigating whether a diet high in this type of fat during pregnancy causes any change in children, "If the risk of childhood disease increases and if men are more affected."

The role of Omega-6

Much has been said about Omega 6 and Omega 3, as long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids that have a crucial role in the function and architecture of the central nervous system, especially at the end of pregnancy. The two are obtained mainly through diet and compete to be incorporated into cell membranes.

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But they have opposite physiological functions: Omega 6 promotes pro-inflammatory states and Omega-3 anti-inflammatory states. For that reason, it is important that they are acquired in a balanced way for a correct neurodevelopment of the baby. In fact, a high percentage of Omega 6 versus Omega 3 has been linked to an increased risk of Attention Deficit Disorder.

Although there is still a road ahead, once again the importance of taking care of the diet before, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, is clear, because the food we eat is not only important for us, but also for our baby.

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