What do pre teen children read?

A child does not behave in the same way at five as at nine, does not have the same interests at four as at 10. Parents find it difficult to adapt to growth when suddenly (or almost) they stop telling us about the things that happen to them at school, or when they no longer want us to read them at night.

But to make their own decisions, as if they are able to choose, is a good sign. A child is not prepared to be completely autonomous at age 11 (although many children's series throw this message wrongly), but on the other hand he needs much more the presence of his friends. I love this stage where you want to maintain the link even though you already know that you are preparing to fly, I like to know that we still have the capacity to guide you in your actions, that you still have us when you must choose.

Reading is as easy (or as complicated) as in other areas: children's literature recommended for different ages should only be a guide, because in reality it is the maturity and interests of children that determine which literary genre attracts them most. If after this I have told you, you are curious to know what readings your preteen children would like best, keep reading: That a 10-year-old child has an interest in reading as a form of entertainment denotes his family's interest in bring you closer to culture, as well as your own determination for keep a hobby that you will not observe in your environment. It is necessary for parents to value the effort and not to question their choices, so as not to make it difficult.

Because it is one thing to suggest the books that we would like for them, and another very different one is to question the type of reading for which they choose (unless - of course - that the contents are clearly inappropriate for their development)

What do children ages 8 to 13 usually like?

  • Adventure books with protagonists who are part of a gang. Mystery that keeps the intrigue until the end, scary stories.

  • Books of poems.

  • Adapted (or complete) versions of the classics. At this point it may be necessary to reinforce supervision because (for example) a child can read a scene from Macbeth (seriously!), But the whole tragedy would be heavy and lose interest. Fortunately today there are versions for children of many of the classics, others do not need to be adapted ('Treasure Island' for example).

  • Magazines about your favorite topics, and series of books or fascicles.

  • Fantasy with supernatural contents - whenever they find it plausible - it attracts many boys and girls who prefer to immerse themselves in a time travel rather than tremble with fear. Epic adventures are included at this point.

  • Humor stories

  • Informative books on science, history, travel, other cultures, animals, etc.

  • Real life stories with protagonists of his age.

Gone are the illustrated books with vivid colors that told sweet stories set in innocent scenes and characters, it is likely that we can no longer include songs as part of the plot of a book for pre-teens, and even be ashamed if we try to stage the reading. But isn't it beautiful to see how they grow and differentiate from the baby we met at birth?

Books for what age?

I think editorial recommendations should only be taken as a reference, and I know that each child has a different level and reading habits, so I insist on the need to approach their preferences. what do you like? What do you want to read?

If we look at evolutionary psychology, from the age of nine, the narratives will be longer and books on knowledge topics that interest them can be introduced; At age 12, interest in adventures would appear. In many cases this happens before, in others the interest in books is lost sooner.It all depends on the child, and how the family manages the general interest in reading.

One more tip: ask them to continue accompanying you to the library, don't be afraid of their choices (always using common sense to discard a book that seems improper), and ask them about the plot of their last reading.

If they no longer have such interest in communicating with you, you can leave the book you bought on the bed with a note, photocopy (and paste with zeal in your closet) the most exciting scene of the intrigue novel that the neighbor has read, or send them an email with some suggestions.

Video: Great Books for girls, pre teens and teens. (May 2024).