It's my turn: campaign against child sexual abuse

Every action against sexual abuse of minors seems important to us, and I recently discovered this initiative that I am talking about today. "It's my turn" is a campaign against child sexual abuse which aims to reach society to raise awareness about this problem.

And it is that the protection of the rights of children and adolescents must be a central concern of all. That means, among other issues, preventing the violation of their rights, a violation that has one of its worst expressions in sexual crimes against minors.

It is an initiative that arises in Chile from a group of people and institutions that, given the figures of child abuse, have had as a central concern the defense of the rights of children and adolescents. Powered by UNICEF and other organizations for children, it has the support of many familiar faces, actors, journalists and communicators.

In order to stop these crimes, "It is my turn" to promote a series of measures in the country's Congress, such as Law on the Protection of the Rights of Children and Adolescents, the increase in the budget for programs against child sexual abuse, the improvement in the legal supervision of sexual crimes against minors ...

They also aim to avoid double victimization of minors who are victims of crime and prevent abuse from school, with an education for children and society as a whole.

The "It's my turn" campaign carries out a series of actions and promotes spots that highlight the need to boost this legislative agenda and the mechanisms for prevent and combat child sexual abuse. A work that has been running for a few months, but still standing and to which I want to show my support.

Official Site | It's my turn In Babies and more | Does Spanish justice work against child sexual abuse ?, Seven steps to prevent child sexual abuse, What to tell a child to prevent abuse