Monica Ruiz, allergist: "laws have been developed so that brands have an obligation of complete labeling"

When we attended the presentation of the new LG air conditioning systems for 2013 we met the Dr. Monica Ruiz, allergist service doctor from the Jiménez Díaz Foundation and health expert. Monica can be seen in the image with José María Zamora, the Marketing Director of LG Spain.

During the presentation we took the opportunity to chat with Monica and propose to conduct an interview in Peques and Más in which we talked about allergies in children. And now that we are in the middle of spring and we have to review the food labels, any information about allergies, intolerances, tips and Internet pages with data is very welcome and advisable to review. So we go to the interview.

What differences exist between allergies and intolerances

Allergy is a disease mediated by Immunoglobulin E and produces characteristic symptoms, rhinitis, asthma, atopic dermatitis and / or hives. Intolerances are diseases less known and mediated by Immunoglobulin G and produce milder symptoms and never endanger the life of the patient while allergies, for example food, can be vitally important.

What types of allergies exist: food, respiratory, skin, etc.

There are several allergies, food allergy, medications, allergy to allergens (pollens, mites, animal epithelium, fungi) that can cause rhinitis and / or asthma, atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, occupational allergy (allergy to natural or chemical substances in the workplace). The organs affected by the allergy are mostly nose, lungs, digestive system and skin.

What tasks brands are doing to make life easier for allergy sufferers: products with labeling, air cleaning, use of filters, pediatric creams, etc. And more sophisticated as applications to carry on mobile, Internet pages with information, etc.

In my opinion, the most important thing that brands are doing today is food labeling, the detailed specification of the food composition. In the case of cosmetics the realization of hypoallergenic products. In the case of air conditioners the use of effective filters. In addition, the website of the Spanish allergy company has an application for smartphones, called polenes, where daily pollination appears. In the case of inhaler treatments, pharmacists have also launched applications for smartphones where they explain how to use them.

How brands are collaborating with medical professionals to make life easier for the consumer

Both the SEAIC (Spanish society of allergy and clinical immunology) and SEICAP (Spanish society of clinical immunology and pediatric allergy) together with the Ministry of Health have developed studies to determine food allergens and laws have been developed for brands have an obligation of a correct, adequate and complete labeling always with the help of professionals. The same in the case of cosmetics and skin products such as creams, bath gels and soaps.

What precautions do parents have to have with an allergic child?

The most important thing is always a good diagnosis first. Once we know what our child is allergic to, if they are food, it is important to avoid it and keep the school and the parents of friends informed. In the case of environmental allergies avoid field trips in pollen time. In the case of atopic dermatitis it is recommended not to bathe the child daily but every 2 or 3 days and abundant hydration.

The question we ask all parents: when will the child's allergy be removed

The evolution of the allergy is very variable depending on the type of allergy. The most frequent allergy in children is the allergy to eggs and / or milk, this allergy in 80% of patients disappears at 4-5 years of age. In the case of environmental allergies, type polenes, the appearance of the allergy is usually later in childhood, 5-6 years, and this allergy does not usually disappear with age. In the case of atopic dermatitis the natural tendency of the disease is to disappear as the child gets older.

What treatments exist to reduce or extinguish children's allergy

The best treatment to cure the allergy, in the case of rhinitis and / or allergic asthma, are vaccines. In the case of food allergy there is the induction of oral tolerance through which we make patients allergic to a food able to tolerate their intake.

What is the impact of the environment in which an allergic child develops

An allergic child is an atopic child so the probability of developing new allergies is greater than the general population. If the environment in which it grows is rich in allergens, especially environmental, type mites or animal epithelium, the probability of becoming allergic to it is greater. In the case of food allergy, the child must make a varied and complete diet except for the food or food to which he is allergic, do not stop giving other foods called “allergens” type fish, nuts, some fruits… .by that the child is allergic to the egg for example.

Why there are so many allergies today among the child population. What are the main causes

This is a difficult question to answer. Children have mostly food allergy, its highest prevalence may be for two reasons, one that is currently better diagnosed and the population is more alert to allergy symptoms and secondly because of the dissociation of the diet in childhood, Unlike what many pediatricians recommend, the sooner we introduce food into the child's diet, the less chance he has of becoming allergic to it.

What are the periods in which allergies manifest with more intensity and what type are

In the case of age, allergy can appear at any time, if it is true that in childhood, food allergy is more frequent, in adolescence and young adults rhinitis and / or asthma and food allergy are more frequent and at later ages the allergy to medications.

How to prevent the occurrence of allergies

Allergy prevention is early exposure to the allergen in the case of food. In the case of pollens, epithelia of animals, mites, the prevention of the appearance of allergy lies in the non-exposure to them but that is very complicated in the case of pollens, because we cannot stop going outside, in the case of animals avoid contact with it and in the case of mites, good ventilation of the home, no carpets or stuffed animals at home, change the mattress every 10 years, use anti-mite covers and wash bedding at high temperatures.

How can we inform parents that we don't know anything about allergies

The best information is that given by professionals, both SEAIC and SEICAP have basic information about allergy on their websites. In my opinion it is the best platform for information.

Y So far, the interview with Monica Ruiz to which we thank, in addition to LG, the collaboration and facilities to publish this informative content about allergies. And it is that parents know that we have to be especially alert and aware of cases of allergy and intolerance at home. And although this information is always interesting to know and review, of course, we recommend visiting a specialist.

Video: Meet Jane Buroker, . Pediatrics (July 2024).