"Helping to go through divorce": a guide for parents

Separation and divorce are increasingly common realities, but they do not stop being painful, especially for children. Thus a guide that helps transition families going through a divorce process It may be helpful to those parents.

This is a guide prepared by the Foundation for Civic Responsibility and the Arts of the "Union League" to support the family during the divorce process and which answers many questions that parents ask in the face of such a trance.

And it is that before a period of great emotional crisis and transition for parents and children, and although each divorce and family situation is different, there are usually some common feelings from the pain that children feel for not being able to do anything to remedy the situation:

Children go through different levels of reactions such as courage, denial, fear, guilt, insecurity, sadness, depression, and regression, among other minor anxieties, these are all normal reactions when it comes to a loss. Both children and adults have to go through this "penalty process" to eventually accept the loss and move on.

The guide offers tips on what should not be done, for the sake of the children, during the divorce process, how to belittle the other party looking for the son or children to take sides for the father or mother.

The reactions that can be expected by the children, the warning signs to know that the child needs some external help, what is the most useful thing that parents can do for them, what constitutes abuse and how children deal with it, which they are the rights of the little ones ... they are also issues that this guide addresses.

It is an aid to face the most common situations that occur during separation, difficult situations for children, and that can be downloaded for free online. We hope that if you have children and you are going through this trance the document "Helping to go through divorce: a guide for parents" be useful to you