The Smurfs 2 opens in Spain on August 2, 2013

Another of the children's premieres for the summer of 2013 is the movie of The Smurfs 2 (The Smurfs 2) a sequel that Sony will premiere in the United States on July 31, in 2D and 3D and that will reach the Spanish billboard on August 2.

The human in the movie is Neil Patrick Harris which heads a cast in which they also appear Hank Azaria, Sofia Vergara, Katy Perry, Brendan Gleeson, Christina Ricci, Anton Yelchin, Alan Cumming, Jayma Mays and Fred Armisen although most are only responsible for putting smurfs voices to the famous blue animated characters. Raja Gosnell He is the director of the movie.

At home I am scared because my daughter has told me that she wants to go see her. It seems to me that although he grows older some children's films still cause him attraction. In my case, in addition to getting older I notice that the desire to see these types of movies not only does not improve but they get worse. In any case you have to give it a try, right?

As they tell us in the Cinema Blog, in this movie the evil Gargamel creates a couple of copies of the smurfs called The Malotes although the formula lacked a secret ingredient and kidnapped Smurfette to get it. Papa Smurf, Clumsy, Grumpy and Vanidoso return to our world to rescue her, asking her human friends for help once again.

In Cinema Blog | Smurfs In Peques and More | Júzcar is the blue village of the Smurfs

Video: Smurfs: The Lost Village Official Trailer 1 2017 - Animated Movie (May 2024).