101 boy names that start with the letter U

When choosing the name of our baby we can choose to resort to classic names, which never fail or go out of style, or opt for names with a distinctive and different touch from others. In these cases, choosing names that begin with unusual letters can be a great option.

The letter U, for example, is one of those sounds that leaves us with very original and poorly heard names. So today, continuing our journey through the names of babies from A to Z, We share 101 boy names that begin with the letter U.

  • Wow: Irish voice of the name Walter, of Germanic origin, which means "strength"

  • Uakusi: indigenous name of Purépecha origin meaning "eagle".

  • Ualtar: name of Irish origin meaning "fighter".

  • Ubaid: name of Egyptian origin whose meaning is "loyal, faithful".

  • Ubaldo: name of Germanic origin meaning "man of brilliant intelligence".

  • Ubay: Guanche origin name of unknown meaning.

  • Ubeltso: name of Basque origin that refers to a name from the Roman era that appeared in an inscription in Guipúzcoa.

  • Uberto: name of Germanic origin, variant of Hubert. It means "he who is illustrious by his judgment."

  • Ucal: name of Hebrew origin that means "powerful."

  • Ucamari: name of Quechua origin that means "that has the strength of a bear".

  • Uchiha: name of Japanese origin meaning "paper".

  • Udai: name of Basque origin whose meaning is unknown.

  • Udalrico: name of Germanic origin that means "rich, with possessions".

  • Uday: name of Hindu origin meaning "increase".

  • Udo: name of Nigerian origin that means "peace". It can have a unisex use.

  • Udolfo: name of English origin that means "wolf".

  • Ueman: Nahuatl name meaning "venerable time".

  • Uesnel: name of French origin, variant of Quennel. It means "little oak."

  • Utsini: indigenous name of Purépecha origin that means "to be born".

  • Ugaiz: name of Basque origin whose meaning is "torrential river".

  • Ugo: Italian variant of the name of Hugo, of Germanic origin, which means "intelligent man".

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  • Ugor: Hungarian name meaning "from Hungary".

  • Ugutz: Basque voice of the name of John, which means "the grace of God."

  • Uhaitz: name of Basque origin that means "river".

  • Uistean: name of Irish origin that means "heart".

  • Ukumari: Quechua origin name that means "he who has the strength of the bear".

  • Ulan: Scottish variant of the name of Valentine. It means "strong and healthy."

  • Ulderico: name of Germanic origin, variant of Udalrico.

  • Ulf: variant of the Nordic name, Ulfur.

  • Ulfila: name of Germanic origin, used as a diminutive of several names. It comes from "wulf," which means "wolf."

  • Ulfrido: name of Germanic origin that derives from the words "wolf" and "peace".

  • Ulfur: Ancient Icelandic name that means “wolf”.

  • Ulises: name of Greek origin that means "courage".

  • Ull: name of Norwegian origin that refers to the "god of the hunt", adopted son of Thor.

  • Ulmer: name of Norwegian origin that means "famous wolf".

  • Ulpiano: name of Latin origin that means "cunning as a fox".

  • Ulrich: Germanic voice of the name of Ulrico.

  • Ulrico: name of Scandinavian origin meaning "rich governor". Others consider that it has a Germanic origin whose meaning would be "strong as a wolf."

  • Ululani: Unisex name of Hawaiian origin meaning "celestial grove".

  • Umandi: name of Basque origin that refers to the top of the Altzania mountain range, located between Álava and Guipúzoca.

  • Umar: name of Arabic origin meaning "builder".

  • Umberto: variant of Humberto. Name of Germanic origin that means "bright as a bear".

  • Umi: name of Egyptian origin that means "life". Other authors attribute a Japanese origin whose meaning is "sea".

  • Umit: variant of the name of Umut,

  • Umut: name of Turkish origin that means "hope".

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  • Un-nefer: name of Egyptian origin that refers to the "lord of the dead".

  • Unai: name of Basque origin and mixed use. Its meaning is "cow shepherd".

  • One X: Unai form used in some Navarre dialects.

  • One and: Quechua origin name meaning "primal".

  • Unbelin: name of Basque origin and unknown meaning.

  • Unner: name of Turkish origin that means "famous".

  • One Gus: name of Irish origin meaning "the vigorous".

  • Unkas: Native American name meaning "fox".

  • Uni: name of Norwegian origin that means "Danish".

  • One: Latin name that refers to the number one.

  • Untzalu: Basque voice of the name of Gonzalo, of Latin origin, which means "prepared for battle".

  • Upton: Anglo-Saxon name of origin that means "the one that comes from the upper city".

  • Ur: name of Egyptian origin meaning "greatness". Name especially used in the Basque Country.

  • Uranus: name of Greek origin that means "he who comes from heaven."

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  • Uratum: variant of the name of Ur, of Egyptian origin.

  • Urban: English voice of Urbano's name.

  • Urban: name of Latin origin that means "he who lives in the city".

  • Urciscene: name of Latin origin, variant of Ursicino. Its meaning is unknown.

  • Urdax: name of Basque origin and unknown meaning.

  • Urdin: name of medieval Basque origin that means "gray or cano".

  • Urdinso: name of Basque origin medieval variant of the name of Urdin.

  • Urdintxo: name of Basque origin medieval variant of the name of Urdin.

  • Urelio: variant of the name of Aurelio, of Latin origin, which means "dorado".

  • Uri: name of Hebrew origin that means "God is my light". It is considered a unisex name.

  • Uriah: name of Hebrew origin, variant of Uri.

  • Uriel: name of Hebrew origin, variant of Uri.

  • Uriya: name of Hebrew origin, variant of Uri.

  • Urki: name of Basque origin that refers to the birch tree.

  • Urko: name of Basque origin that refers to a mountain with the same name in Guipúzcoa and Vizcaya.

  • Urqu: Quechua origin name meaning "hill, mountain".

  • Urs: name of Germanic origin meaning "bear".

  • Ursicino: name of Latin origin, variant of Ursicio.

  • Ursicio: name of Latin origin that means "bear".

  • Ursine: name of Latin origin derived from Urso. Its meaning is unknown.

  • Ursulo: name of Latin origin that means "young bear". ".

  • Urtats: name of Basque origin that refers to the first day of the year in Basque mythology.

  • Urtun: name of Basque origin, variant of Fortun, name of French origin that means "fortune".

  • Urtzi: name of Basque origin that refers, in Basque mythology, to the god who brings the storm.

  • Usamah: name of Arabic origin that means "one who is brave like a lion".

  • Usher: name of English origin that means "mouth of the river".

  • Usi: name of Egyptian origin whose literal meaning is "he who is among the smoke".

  • Use or Use: name of Basque origin that refers to the Egyptian god Osiris, god of the dead.

  • Usqo: Quechua name meaning "wildcat".

  • Usuy: Quechua origin name meaning "he who brings abundance."

  • Utuya: Quechua origin name meaning "strong".

  • Uthman: name of Arabic origin that means "friend of Muhammad".

  • Utko: name of Turkish origin that means "victory".

  • Uttam: name of Sanskrit origin meaning "excellent."

  • Uturunku: Quechua origin name meaning "jaguar".

  • Uwe: name of Germanic origin meaning "inheritance".

  • Uxío: Galician voice of the name of Eugenio, which means "well born"

  • Uxmal: name of Mayan origin that refers to an ancient city of the classical period.

  • Uzi: Hebrew variant of the name of Egyptian origin Usi.

  • Uziel: name of Hebrew origin derived from Uriel. It means "God is my light."

  • Uzmati: Native American name meaning "grizly bear".

  • Uzochi: name of Nigerian origin that means "the way of God".

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