Fruit day at school ... doesn't it have to be every day?

We start school with enthusiasm and if the kids go for the first time we have to accommodate schedules and even lunches. Know what time they have lunch, where they do it, how much time they have ... But, Is it the school that has to tell us what the children are going to have for lunch? Well it depends on how clear we have the parents ...

The point is that there are schools in which "fruit day" is celebrated, one of the five mornings a week in which children have to bring fruit for lunch. And this, which can be very good for children who never eat fruit, falls short if we follow the recommendations of a full lunch, daily.

In the school of my daughters last year already advanced the first quarter a weekly day of the fruit was proposed in a table of lunches for the students of three years. We, who put almost every day to our daughters a sandwich and a fruit or vegetable, we ignored that proposal. And nothing happens.

But, according to the teachers, there are children who only carry pastries and / or juices packed for lunch, and in that case the children are good at least one day of fruit at lunch a week, if the parents in this case they pay attention to the proposal, which might not be.

The reality is that neither breakfasts nor lunches in many families are done as they should be, and I do not refer to cases in which you are aware of what is a good diet and for some reason you can not, but above all of those cases in which it is unknown.

Campaigns are still necessary to raise public awareness of the nutritional needs of children to promote an optimal state of health, and the school can of course do something to help with this.

One of the ways is to educate children about the importance of taking five servings of fruit and vegetables a day and communicating this at the first parent meeting so that more families are encouraged to introduce the fruit in the school bag.

The dining room has to offer healthy fruits and vegetables every day in its menu, and in the canteens (this already for older children) there should be an offer of these foods. And another theme that deserves its own space is that of children's birthdays that are celebrated at school inviting classmates to lunch. We will return to it ...

Thus, the theme of "fruit day at school" doesn't seem bad to me, provided that parents who wish to prepare freedom for lunch that they deem appropriate for their children and that information be accompanied both to adults (brochures, at school meeting ...) and to children of the importance of Fruit and vegetables on a daily basis, not as something exceptional.