Highlights in Babies and more: September 16-22

It's Monday, we welcome the fall and today as every week we review the most prominent content We have published in Babies and more in recent days.

In our Special Postpartum Beauty We have talked about beauty rituals after giving birth and the treatment of the dreaded stretch marks. Stay tuned because in the next few days we will bring more interesting topics.

We have also talked about the pain of childbirth without epidural, about why babies need us during the night and about the case of the pregnant woman who lifts weights two weeks after giving birth.

We continue in the period of adaptation to back to school, and we have raised questions such as whether to take the child out of school or try to change the school and we have seen what the snacks for school should be like, but also the question of birthdays with lunches at school: many and unhealthy.

And speaking of lunches, in the Recipes back to school Do not miss the student menu in tupper and a tortilla puppy.

Finally, in the section "Ask the midwife" the specialist has talked about prolonged breastfeeding and colecho. Do not miss this interesting topic.

This week we have prepared many more interesting content. In seven days we will return with a new summary of Babies highlights and more. Have a happy week!

Video: Horoscope for the Week of September 16 to 22, 2019. Daily Habit. For Love, Wealth, and Welfare (July 2024).