Dads and moms blogs (CC)

Today, as every Tuesday, we review the most interesting thing that has been read in some of the moms and dads blogs We can find on the net.

We start with A Pell Flower, where Miriam has offered us a magical entrance explaining the Fusion she already feels with her baby, even when she is only a centimeter and remains in her belly.

In Me and my "mimi-yos" This mother asks us who decides what a bad mother is, realizing that by our actions, by setting standards, we are sometimes considered bad parents by our own children.

In A Spanish mom in Germany This mother explains to us that she is mad at auction, when she feels sorry because her son does not pick up but nevertheless recycles on her own will, as if doing something that she has instilled in her, and becoming happy to see that it empties everything together.

In I'm here momAlba tells us that her son says many swear words, telling us several situations and moments in which they have been heard with the reflection he makes of it.

In Because my children are my treasure Jemina tells us how much she likes the rain and how her way of going down the street with children has changed when it rains, going from the waterproof car to the baby carrier with an umbrella.

In A different motherhood Eloísa tells us about a paper that we could see in the last Fedalma breastfeeding congress, explaining how real skin-to-skin contact is and should be, without barriers of any kind involved.

To finish, in Mom corchea, this mother has told us about conversations with the tit, or how breastfeeding has changed as her son has learned to talk and share dialogues with his mother with the tit as a subject.

As we always tell you, if you have a blog where you talk about your motherhood or fatherhood and you want us to take a look, leave a comment in this post and we will look for future weekly reviews.

Video: Back to School Shopping With Cheap Parents (July 2024).