Week 34 of pregnancy: entering the final stretch

We keep moving forward with pregnancy week by week to stop at the Week 34 of pregnancy. There is very little left to know your baby's face, and although it is already a trained baby and presents what it will look like at birth, the remaining weeks are still very important for its development.

In this time you will gain weight and your organs will continue to prepare to function outside the uterus, especially the lungs. As for you, you may already feel quite tired due to the weight of the gut, so if you have not done so, it is still time to slow down to go through the last weeks.

Changes in the baby in week 34 of pregnancy

The baby measures approximately 46 centimeters and weighs about 2,200 grams. Their lungs are almost completely formed and their bones have been hardening but they are still very flexible, including those in the head.

His skull is not yet completely closed, which allows him to adapt more easily to the birth canal at birth. Therefore, some babies are born with a cone-shaped or crushed head, but this is reversed within a few days of birth.


Your skin continues to be coated with a yellowish substance called vernix caseosa becomes increasingly dense, which will also facilitate the task of crossing the birth canal. In turn, the lanugo, a thin layer of hair on its skin, begins to disappear.

If I was born this week prematurely, the chances of survival are 99%, so I would surely get ahead without suffering any sequelae. Still, it is not yet the ideal time to be born.

Alternate moments of sleep with others of activity. His movements are very noticeable for the mother because the space she has inside the uterus is increasingly limited.

Changes in the mother in week 34 of pregnancy

As we mentioned before, it is likely that I already acknowledge tiredness and discomfort due to the weight and volume of the gut, especially at night at bedtime.

If the baby is fit, you may feel some pressure on the bones of the pelvis. You may also feel the need to urinate more frequently.

You may get dizzy easily due to a drop in sugar, so be careful not to make sudden movements like getting up from the bed or bending over. Make smooth and controlled movements.

Digestion usually becomes slower and heavier in the last weeks of pregnancy, so it is preferable that you make several light meals a day instead of two copious ones. Do not stop practicing exercise, even just go for a daily walk. It is important that you help the baby to fit in and you are physically fit for the delivery.

It is also possible that you have already begun to feel contractions. This does not mean that the delivery is near. They are known as Braxton Hicks contractions or false contractions. You may feel them more intensely in this week. They are annoying, but they are not rhythmic or regular and their function is to erase and soften the cervix prior to dilation. If you change position, rest, walk or take a relaxing bath, the contractions disappear or are relieved.

Next week: 35th week of pregnancy

Video: What to expect in your Third Trimester of pregnancy. Pregnancy Week-by-Week (July 2024).