The parents had asked the Kings more time to play with the children, let's do our part to get it

Surely you have already opened Reyes' gifts, and now you have all day to try them and enjoy them, then we will have to wait another four business days until Saturday when we will have free time again. You know The best gift for our children is the time we dedicate to them, and that even with those that are already bigger, the benefits of our presence and company, last beyond the skills they will acquire with the new bicycle or the opportunity to try for end that game for the video console that they so longed for.

We had read that in general the children were going to ask for more tablets than toys, but the parents also asked for things, right? Give the Game Time tells us that after having asked their followers on Facebook, they have discovered that moms and dads had filled their game cards and illusions.

In fact the star request has been 'more time to play with the children', although it lags behind in popularity 'conserve or get the job'

Secondary (although not less important), adults who are parents also sometimes want to sleep at a stretch, or some extra time for their days ... But let's return to the main desire: even when we have little time, or when we want to put them to rest, or when we doubt between putting the washing machine or freezing the remains of dinner so that they do not spoil, it would be convenient to prioritize the attention to children.

It is not always a matter of preparing a complicated activity, sometimes just a few tickles, reading two pages of your favorite story, a game to the Goose, or just let them tell us in a low voice how the day went. But yes, if we have more time we will go out with them, we will invite them to prepare some cookies together or we will dare to take the command of the console to play a game.

Because they are the ones who can't wait, since every day they are bigger and this is unstoppable, when the years go by we will have all the time in the world to order papers, clean the glasses or go to dinner while we leave them with the grandmother (they are examples only). Now is your moment, and consequently our moment, I invite you not to miss it.

And returning to packages, gifts and materialized illusions, from Give Time to the Game remind us that 'the game and the toy must be present in the child's life throughout the year and during its growth.

Toys participate in their education and development. Through the game they learn about the world around them, know the first rules, learn to share, meet new friends, practice physical activity and encourage their creativity and imagination'.

Enjoy the toys, and especially the company of your children