Lasagna with potatoes and meat. Recipe for the whole family

A few days ago we published the recipe to make some homemade cannelloni of the Bolognese that dad, mom and children liked. Well today we want to show you how to prepare another similar dish, a delicious one recipe for the whole family, a lasagna with potatoes and meat that the whole family will like too.

This recipe has as particularity that does not use pasta, but instead we will use cooked potatoes, so we can prepare it at any time even if we don't have the pasta plates in the pantry.

Ingredients for 4 portions

  • 4 medium potatoes, 250 gr of minced meat, abundant homemade fried tomato, 1 onion, 1 carrot, 3 basil leaves, salt, extra virgin olive oil and grated cheese

How to make a lasagna with potatoes and meat for the whole family

We start by peeling the potatoes and cutting them into slices of about 3 millimeters, trying to make them similar. We cook them in hot salted water for 7-8 minutes, and drain them then. Although the potatoes will not be ready yet, it doesn't matter because then they will finish cooking in the oven.

Chop the onion and carrot and fry lightly. We add the minced meat and the stir in the fire until it changes color. Season and add the homemade fried tomato, mixing all the ingredients well until we obtain a Bolognese-like sauce after cooking for about 15 minutes.

Add the chopped basil leaves and let them cook for a minute in the tomato. We put out the fire and let the sauce or stuffing of our lasagna stand. Meanwhile, the potatoes will have cooled and will be easier to handle.

To assemble the lasagna, we place a layer of potato slices forming a base on which we place the meat sauce. We place a second layer of potatoes and cover it again with the meat and finish with a third layer of cooked potatoes.

We add one thin layer of bechamel we do with 50 grams of butter, 400 ml of milk and 50 grams of flour and put it covering the potatoes. Top with a little grated cheese and bake for 15 minutes at 200º.

Processing time | 1 hour Difficulty | Half


This Potato and meat lasagna recipe is very nice for the whole familyIt is very economical and it is also a very complete dish because it contains the meat and cheese proteins, the carbohydrates of the potatoes and the fibers of the vegetables included in the Bolognese. Encourage yourself to try this variation of the classic lasagna and you will see how it surprises your people.

Video: Dinner on a budget: Bake you entire family meatball lasagna for under $20 (May 2024).