In 2014, the report of the year 2011 on mobile radiation and use by children is updated

And it remains blunt because in the final fifty-page report you can read the conclusion that although thorough investigations have been conducted, there is no evidence that radio waves produced by mobiles or repeaters pose a health risk. They are also encouraged to continue studying, as they are doing Cosmos, based on surveys and collection of experiences in the United Kingdom, of 100,000 people.

If you want to read in English, if the translation is not entirely perfect, here you can see one of the main conclusions of the report issued by Cosmos: "Authors reiterated the inconclusive nature of previous studies and reviewed four cohort studies that were published after the IARC meeting in 2011. The authors concluded that 'these newer results do not remove the uncertainty inherent in the “possibly carcinogenic” (2B) IARC classification', and with the forever growing exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields, the authors' made the call for more research ', recognizing prospective cohort studies, like that of COSMOS, as essential for a valid assessment of exposure. "

We remember that in 2003 the United Kingdom He decided to analyze whether the use of mobile telephony could be related to cancer. A great research work was launched, led by prestigious scientists, which has developed over the past eleven years with a public budget over 16 million euros and with the commented result that it was not found not a single evidence of possible harmful effects on health.

The research program has published many analyzes, in the links that I indicate below you can read all, and in them it is concluded that neither can mobile phone stations cause cancer.

In any case, the researchers leave the door open for further analysis and research. His arguments are that the use of mobile phones has grown rapidly in recent years and that thanks to Cosmos It will be possible to carry out an exhaustive monitoring of the health of the 100,000 people who use them. And is that the World Health Organization (WHO) along with other agencies around the world, will try to maintain the momentum to continue analyzing and studying if there is any relationship between mobile and health.

Video: A Father Speaks About Wifi in Schools and His Children's Health (May 2024).