From Babies and more we wish you Happy Father's Day!

In Spain is celebrated today, March 19, the Father's day. I clarify it because there are many who read us from other countries and feel clueless.

One more year, who we do every day Babies and more we want to wish you all a Happy Father's Day, especially to our companions Armando and PapaLobo, who although blush, are an example of sensitive, loving and committed parents in the upbringing of their children.

We have offered you in the last few days some interviews of very special parents. Blogger David Lay told us that "Paternity has changed me as a person", teacher Oscar Romero pointed out that "Paternity changes the axis of the Universe" while psychologist Ramón Soler told us "My daughters are my great teachers."

We have also talked about the father's fundamental role in pregnancy, in childbirth, in breastfeeding and in postpartum, stages in which the father's support is so necessary for the mother and the baby.

In a humorous way, we have reflected on being a father today, but where have I gone? We have offered our 2014 edition of the poem for Father's Day entitled "Yesterday and today" and from the kitchen we teach you to prepare a special breakfast for surprise dad.

Finally, we want to greet especially those who are released this year as parents, and of course also those who repeat the experience and who are waiting for a baby to be born in the coming months. Fatherhood will change you forever, it will make you better people and they will learn from your children more than you can teach them. Those of you who are already parents know very well.

For us it is an honor to travel with you the path of your fatherhood, we hope to be a good company that makes it easier for you. Happy Father's Day!