Anxiety about getting pregnant, an obstacle to getting it

The anxiety It can play against us in many situations of our life, and more than ever when it comes to getting pregnant, since the mother's own stress becomes an obstacle to get it.

And it is not only a matter of common sense, as revealed by a study published in 'Human Reproduction', according to which anxiety before conception could play a role in infertility.

To check how stress influences pregnancy when conceiving, researchers from the University of Ohio, in the United States, followed 501 women between 18 and 40 years without known fertility problems who wanted to get pregnant.

They were measured two biological indicators of stress present in saliva: alpha-amylase and cortisol, and found that women with high levels of these were 29% less likely to get pregnant every month.

In addition, when compared with women who had low levels of this enzyme, they found that they had more than twice as likely not to get pregnant after 12 months of having regular sex without protection. Recall that it is considered that there may be infertility when the couple has tried to conceive for a year without success.

When the couple seeks an unsuccessful pregnancy, it is normal that with the passing of the months frustration, disappointment and feelings of guilt appear, which at the same time generate more stress.

The recommendation in these cases is to try to calm down, change the routine, take a trip, practice relaxation methods, do yoga, meditation or any activity that helps you reduce anxiety. You will see that relieving stress will help you and as soon as you stop obsessing with the search, if there is no real fertility problem, you will get the desired pregnancy.

Video: Meditation for Fertility, Infertility, Adoption - How to Meditate for Beginners - BEXLIFE (May 2024).