"Better Educated": a book to discover that in families you can apply practical wisdom

For a long time I have pending to present you a book that I have read, thanks that the publisher Ariel (of Planeta) sent it to me. Its author is Gregorio Luri, of which Marcos spoke in this post, and I have to tell you that although initially he presented certain reticence in front of this reading, I have finished enjoying and subscribing many of the ideas that are presented to us.

"Better Educated", with subtitle 'The art of educating with common sense', has been published this year and as the author's presentation inside the cover says, collects the grounds of a large number of conferences given to associations of Parents in recent years. Gregorio Luri Medrano is a Navarrese by birth although he lives in Barcelona; He has a degree in Education Sciences, has worked for many years as a teacher and has published a fortnight of books on philosophy and pedagogy.

I could almost say that any father or mother who reads it will be identified in at least some chapter in which the work is divided. And I think the most important thing when reading this book is to understand that (as Luri points out well) it would be better for us to return to common sense and apply the practical wisdom of families. Why this? Well, because it seems that we have wanted to professionalize ourselves by becoming parents, and this has sometimes caused important disconnections with our function, and reduced the involvement of the development of children as little people who will be adults someday.

They are reflections about discipline, school, parenthood and screens, the role of parents and 'giving value to values'. Sometimes These reflections will make us laugh, and others will remind us that to be a mother or father is to be imperfect, but that we should not exaggerate our imperfections.

I advise that you get carried away by reading this necessary book, and that you do it with a critical posture, because if it happens to you like me, you will also come across statements with which you will not agree at all. But still I recommend it. It is not a book specialized in parenting and early childhood educationIt is also not very deep (although sometimes this is an added value). However, in its simplicity it also provides many bibliographical references, and above all a significant number of examples that help to understand.

I leave you with this phrase on the back cover, which I liked very much: 'it is about learning from our successes and our failures and, above all, to be sure that whatever happens, nothing is more important than mutual love'.

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