What has taught me to value fatherhood

After these almost four and a half years of paternity, more than five if we have the months of pregnancy that I have been able to live in my own meats I have been getting a little idea, and I say small because I know that I have only started the way, of what What is this about fatherhood?

There are many things that I have been learning, but above all what he has taught me is to value and these are some of the things fatherhood has taught me.

Before becoming a father and now that I move with some ease around the world around motherhood, blogs, books, authors, marketing, etc. I have been getting a slight idea that it is the prototype of paternity that is intended to be sold by, we are going to call it, the outside world and I have examined and compared it with what being a father has taught me.

Thus it is assumed that a new motherhood begins with a delivery without drugs so that you can feel the union with your baby, that after a few weeks your child will sleep six or seven hours at night that your child will eat his six portions of fruit and Daily vegetables, as well as a liter of water, the sweets will be somewhat anecdotal in your diet, your partner and you will distribute the daily work and in about five or six years you will have a bilingual child at home. And of course, do not worry, because you can with everything.


Well, this humble father, after a few years exercising has reached the conclusion that he now values ​​much more than before certain things like:

The naps: I recognize that we have had tremendous luck here (my wife and I), because we have not had excessive problems when we all went to sleep and it is rare that on Saturday we make a plan before seven in the afternoon. It is everyone's nap moment and despite the fact that the elder begins to put his buts ends up succumbing to the charms of Morpheus.

The silence: You don't know how much you can thank the silence until you're a father. That feeling that everything is calm that usually arrives at the last hour of the day, almost with the last rays of sun, when your children are finally in bed and after a long afternoon of games, screams, cries and songs the only thing What you hear are your steps down the hallway towards the bed or the sofa for a little moment of peace.

Your parents, The more time I spend as a father, the more I understand mine. It has not been until I have spent some time in this new life until I have finally been able to make sense of what my parents said of "they will understand when you are a father" And well, if I understood, too well. If one day I believed in what they call karma, I would say that having children is the means that the universe has to balance the trastadas we call as children.

Grandparents and uncles basic pillar in our environment and I suppose that in many, but in my case, grandparents form that perfect complement in the education and development of my children, giving them that point of "freedom" and special affection that our day to day makes let's lose

Take a quiet cane: Having children does not necessarily mean having to throw away your membership card from the corner bar, I recognize that things are not going to be as before, although it clearly depends on how they were before, but they also do not have to be reduced or limited to having the same social life as an amoeba. You are a father, we have that clear, but also a social being that needs to interact with others from time to time or simply break the circle of home, school, work, school, park, house. The problem is that taking a rod with your stems can be much more complicated than doing it when you were 15 years old.

Eye, I do not say that visiting terraces with the offspring is a martyrdom, nothing is further from my intention, it is more, it is something we usually practice at home whenever possible. But the day you can find a hole, in which you do not have to be like a shepherd dog watching any movement around you, to take a cane, wine, coffee or tap water, a sensation arises in you that not even in 300 hours of Soda ads could sell you. If any company wants to sell their soft drinks, instead of showing sensual women and men with perfect bodies, they should take out a father by taking a cane without children for the first time.

Laughter: A child's laugh is the most contagious and effective thing there is. It is something clean, without limits or makeup, when a child laughs, can anyone resist doing the same?

Somebody lends to take your children to sleep at home, which implies neither more nor less than a night free to spend as well as you please and above all, a day that will not start at seven in the morning! When someone asks me what I want to be given to me, I answer the same thing: a babysitter night.

The simple things, those fleeting day-to-day moments that make everything make sense and worth the careers, awakenings, lack of sleep. A kiss, a few steps to the race looking for you, a dad or mom, some little arms around your neck, a look. They are small gestures that can turn 180 degrees to a long day.

Video: Father Teaches His Son a Valuable Lesson in Life. The Value of Honesty (July 2024).