Learn to draw manga with Nintendo's portable consoles and the Pokemon Art Academy game

We have to wait for July 4, 2014 so that future artists can play with Pokémon Art Academy and learn the basic illustration techniques. And it is very easy because just take the stylus from the Nintendo 3DS or Nintendo 2DS The kids can take their first steps in the art of Japanese illustration and draw the most popular manga culture characters: the Pokémon, for this you just have to follow the simple instructions of a friendly tutor.

This new program takes the essence of the Art Academy series and adapt it to the illustration so that the children work with 40 lessons in which they will learn to paint, sketch and draw Pikachu, Charmander, and when you are an expert, up to the mega-evolutions of Yvetal. In addition, illustration skills can also be transferred to paper to bring creations to the real world. The trainees can improve and overcome four levels of Drawing and Painting, starting with drawings in Start, discovering new techniques in Newbies Y Apprentices and ending with the wisdom of Graduate.

Every artist, including mangakas, can use the Toolbox available that includes a full range of pencils, pastels and paintings as well as perfect materials to create quality and completely new illustrations. There's also felt pens with which to apply block colors with clean and sharp edges, and airbrushes that allow a fine color graduation. Additionally, the eyeliner leaves a thin line that cannot be colored above, perfect for making cartoons with professional borders. And most interesting, because a new tool has been created to undo which allows to correct as many times as you want each stroke that is applied on the canvas.

The techniques can be enhanced in the mode Free painting with which you can recreate the Pokémon as you want and with the tools that the kids choose. There are more than 100 images of Pokémon to be inspired and you can also use the images made with the camera of the portable console. For those who want to keep their artistic skills at full capacity, Pokémon Art Academy includes a new Sketch Mode with which to make quick drawings and drafts of Pokémon.

All works can be stored in the album and they can also be shared with other painters of Pokémon Art Academy using the console's wireless connection. It is also possible to publish the works in Miiverse and share the creations with other Pokémon fans.

We will be attentive to the novelties of this curious application that demonstrates that video consoles have applications that go beyond and that offers high possibilities of creativity and imagination among children.