The newborn is restless: he may be hungry

Your newborn baby sleeps peacefully until you hear him move and make noises: he may be hungry. That movement or concern is the first sign that you want to feed and we don't have to wait much longer to see if we are right ...

Babies have to breastfeed on demand but we don't have to wait until they "demand" crying. Once the crying begins, everything becomes more complicated, the nerves increase in the mother and the baby will not cling so easily to the chest. Therefore, as soon as we notice the baby's restlessness, we have to breastfeed him.

That restlessness will mean hunger more likely if the baby puts his finger or hand to his mouth, if he tries to suck. We may wake up the noise he makes with his mouth when he sucks his hand. If we do not do something to remedy it, tears will soon arrive.

Crying is a late sign that there is hunger and as far as possible we have to avoid it. That's why sometimes it depends on our speed when putting it to the chest (or giving the bottle) that the child remains calm. If we are very asleep, we may wake up already crying, although you may also notice the previous noises at night ...

If the baby is a newborn, the visits may bother us because we feel uncomfortable breastfeeding the baby with so many or certain people in front of us, then we must ensure that these visits are limited or postponed to the moment when the mother is already recovered. .

Keep in mind that, if there are too many people around, we are not so receptive to the changes and signals that the baby can send us (especially if this goes from arm to arm ...).

Let's take advantage of the hospital staff during our stay to raise all our doubts, but if we see that it does not satisfy us, we can seek help in a breastfeeding support group.

Once out of the hospital, when the baby is still small, during the day there are multiple situations in which, even with him, we cannot breastfeed (driving ...).

But it should not be an impediment that we do not find an "appropriate" place to breastfeed a baby, and by that we mean those places where it is not well seen, which unfortunately still exist.

In short, if the baby wakes up, notes that he seeks or increases his activity, if you see that the newborn is uneasy you should put it to the chest, because most likely he is hungry.