How to teach your child to enjoy (much) life

Life is full of obligations, norms and things that do not come out, of expectations that are not fulfilled: and your children will learn it, with you accompanying them. But life is also full of wonderful things to anything you stop a little. Enjoy, what word! Of the big and the small, of them and them of us: we tell you how to encourage your child to enjoy life.

If we ask ten parents at random what they want for their children in life, most likely (I risk the answer) most of us will say that what we really want, what really matters, is that our children are happy (and that they are healthy, of course).

In Babies and more All children are happy unless parents make them unhappy

But nevertheless we talk little about it, we write little about it ... and much about how to make our kids squeeze their abilities, that they are more creative, more orderly or more "obedient" (or the auction, that they are successful children!). What things!

This is not a jerk of ears, for the record. I understand that it happens to all of us that, deep down, we think we know what our children need to be happy, but perhaps what we are not so clear about is what to do now when that little angel, whom we love with all our soul, carries all the late in “mode Rasputin”.

But precisely as we talk more about that other, and a little less than the "beautiful", we end up putting Sauron's eye in it, in Bite. And look, yes, you have to keep an eye on the orcs, but hey, The region it's a beautiful place, or Rivendel, with those architectural quality that it has.

I mean, for those who pass Olympic of The Lord of the Rings (and who have not stopped reading despite the previous paragraph -thanks for continuing-), it is very good that we (pre) take care of those little things, but that we also pay attention to teach them to enjoy life.

And, incidentally, since we are, we will also enjoy it and them, that in the era of relentless productivity and the short time we are sometimes not there, and we spend days in a gray nebulae. Stop nebula Hello little man.

Enjoy your

Let's start, as I always say for almost everything related to children, for serve as an example: We are going to take off the blinders (blinkers, those little things that the horses have in their eyes) that are taking away our field of vision.

Stand in the supermarket to smell the melon, when you hug your little one appreciate how soft the hair is (and say it out loud!), Close your eyes when they kiss you and feel it (so it passes slower, so it takes longer to fade), etc.

Stand a little, a second, is what you need to see things in perspective, to look at the detail, so you don't miss the hours and days and things from your hands without even realizing it. And enjoy!

In Babies and more How to teach your child what is the love of the good, which will make him happy

Put on your glasses enjoy

Being a little "flipadete" is great, it makes us value the same event, the same thing, much more positively.

I give you an example: if you are going to an exhibition and you are going "on your nose", without feeling like it, and sulking, the experience is probably a fiasco. However, if your attitude is “to see what it offers me”, if you go with the intention of having a good time, chances are that this same experience is great for you.

The reading we do of things depends a lot on the expectations that we have generated before, and on the evaluation we make of the during and after.

Sometimes something that could be a 9 (out of 10) stays in a shy 5 because we focus on what has failed, on what was not as we expected, on what could be improved. But nevertheless If we focus on what has been good, what has contributed to us, the assessment will be much more favorable

And you know the most important? That assessment is, in the end, the emotional ground that the experience in question leaves us: if you have a good time thinking that it might have been good what you feel is frustration or disappointment, while if you have a good time (because reading It has been positive, because the attitude has been positive), you will feel satisfied, lively ...

What we think modulates how we feel, so let's encourage our kids to focus on seeing what they can get from each experience, that they value the good, that they "flip" a little, which is great.

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Reinforce and value effort, not achievement

We are very sad about this, but it is soooo important! If we want you to enjoy life, you have to know how to enjoy the road, not to yearn exclusively for what is to come, not to assess only if I have done well or not.

When we focus on the achievements we pass a wonderful path of reinforcement and satisfaction, and we end up falling (we and the kids, I speak in general) in the networks of perfectionism, that never, never, we feel good.

In Babies and more, is your child a perfectionist? How can you help from home

Projects we start thousands in our life, ideas, activities ... if we base our self-esteem only on whether we have reached the goal or if we have achieved what is expected, the accounts will probably be in red numbers.

Everyone who is a parent knows that a car trip is proof of the good, right?

If we all go with our eyes on the destination we are missing those hours together, an opportunity to play, to laugh, to tell each other things, to look at the landscape or to, look, this happens, have to open the windows because "someone" has farted. That way, in which you are attentive, you enjoy it, and with it You make it an experience, a great memory.

Let's be optimistic, feel good

Being optimistic is not being naive, it is not seeing life as if it were a meme of these inspirational. Optimism is the ability to adopt a positive approach to life and things, one that helps us achieve what we propose and feel better about it.

Being optimistic is related to good self-esteem, with mental and physical health, with a better ability to adapt and handle complicated situations ... It is great in many ways.

In Babies and more How to teach your child to be optimistic

The pleasure of the small

Amelie (Poulain), enjoyed the little things, like putting her hands in a bag of lentils or bouncing stones in the water. Be a fan or total detractor (there are many who finished it up to the cap -of the gnome-) of this movie, to Caesar what is Caesar's: that exaltation of enjoying life, starting with the little thing, is to keep it and apply it daily (and make a shirt with it, so we don't forget the message).

Actually this point is a bit a megaresumen of all the above: if we focus on the details, if we look for the beautiful in everyday life, if today's dinner instead of doing it as usual, as every day, and that goes completely unnoticed, we decorate it a bit with some candles, with background music, with tasty fruit cut and put in banderillas by children ... that dinner is no longer a normal dinner, it will be special, and our life will be plagued by those everyday, but tasty moments.



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