People with Tourette Syndrome are as normal with you as I am

The month of awareness on Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome has just ended, and any effort to increase information is little. It is a neurological disorder that involves the appearance of tics, movements or involuntary vocalizations. These symptoms occur quickly and suddenly.

This syndrome is inherited as a dominant gene (genes), and a person suffering from it is 50 percent likely to transmit it to one of their children in each pregnancy. However, a very small percentage of children who inherit the gene have severe symptoms that require medical attention. The probability of suffering the syndrome, given the conditions for its transmission, is older in boys than in girls. It was Georges Gilles de la Tourette who first described the disorder at the end of the 19th century. Some sources point to problems with certain chemicals that help in the connection of neurons.

The desire to raise awareness is due to the fact that it is necessary to make it clear that the affected person cannot control the tics or movements, that on the one hand. On the other hand, it is sometimes believed that Tourette syndrome patients use vulgar words, or other inappropriate phrases or words (coprolalia). This could cause a double confusion since Only a small number of patients can be attributed this action, and also because these expressions can contribute to labeling improperly.

Tourette's syndrome begins during childhood

It usually starts between seven and 10 years old, and the tics presented may be simple or complex.

Tourette's syndrome has nothing to do with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) - although both may occur at the same time -, which moves us to believe that certain behaviors have to be adopted.

Among the simple tics are sudden, brief and repetitive movements that involve more than one muscle group; Flickering and unusual visual gestures are included. Simple vocalizations such as clearing the throat, sniffing or snarling are also observed; and other movements such as shaking head and shoulders.

And as for the complexes, some seem deliberate (twisting the body, twitching objects, sniffing); Also included in this group are facial faces that can appear at the same time as the head is twisted, or the shoulders are shrunk. Sometimes they hurt themselves (they bite or hit each other) and say words out of context, or others not socially admitted (corporality).

All these expressions are involuntary no matter how puzzling they may seem.

Tourette Syndrome Diagnosis

Since it is considered a Rare Disease, it can be difficult to get an accurate diagnosis. But it is very important to do it because sometimes the environment misunderstands the symptoms, and perceives them with fear or restlessness; and in the environment it usually happens that rejection originates from peers or friends, even from teachers or monitors.

In addition to the tics, people with this disease may present associated behaviors, although this is not always the case. Among the special problems are obsessions, poor anger control, poor social skills, association with ADHD and compulsions (or rituals).

As I read, the first symptom is usually a facial tic, although sometimes the development of the syndrome begins with symptoms of movements and sounds. Patients may present variable motor tics in expression and duration; and even sensitive tics (itching, pressure) may appear. In Medline Plus they tell us that the worst time could be adolescence, although later the disease would improve.

Facing the present with Tourette Syndrome

Kids Health experts say that when children or teenagers develop and maintain some kind of hobby that keeps their attention, the tics soften and are less frequent. Specifically, sports and physical exercise (but not only) mobilize the mental and physical energy that allows a better development of these children.

Creative activities (music, writing ...) have a very positive effect as well.

On the other hand it is important to consider that although most of the tics do not interfere in the life of the sick, the syndrome has no cure. Of course, pisological therapies can help cope with stress, learn relaxation techniques and externalize problems.

The literature also talks about medication to control tics and associated behaviors that could be interfering with school life or other aspects of children's daily lives. However, only a doctor who can handle this syndrome should prescribe drugs.

Minors suffering from the syndrome, have the ability to empathize with the emotions of others, especially with their 'equals' who have any kind of problems. That is why the emphasis is sometimes placed on the convenience of volunteering.

Information is control of one's life

I would like from here, and although the month of awareness is over, contribute my grain of sand to spread this syndrome, and to claim the normalcy of these people who are not different from us, and supporting inclusion - precisely because society is all of us -.