Is a heat wave coming? Don't ruin the day with the kids

These days we have heard about it and above all we have felt the heat wave, a situation of intense heat that occurs in these latitudes in summer. But, What to deal with the heat wave if we have small children? Let's try not to ruin the day this situation that is quite uncomfortable for everyone.

Uncomfortable especially if we can not be in a place to cool off, such as on the beach, although even by the sea it can be quite unbearable the heat or strength of the sun and you have to take certain precautions with young children.

The heat wave can be defined as a situation of intense heat, often very humid, which covers a large geographical area and is maintained for several consecutive days. There are some recommendations for when it is very, very hot and we have small children, to make lighter these days and avoid risks.

And is that children under five are among the population most at risk from heat waves, they are more vulnerable to suffer for example dehydration or heat stroke. Let's see the tips so that the heat does not ruin our day or holidays with children.

  • Avoid dehydration, offer the child plenty of fluids, preferably water (in the case of nursing babies, you have to put them to the chest more often). Try to avoid drinks that are too cold or sugary.

  • Avoid the practice of physical exercise, especially in the central hours of the day or in the sun. The little ones run the risk of becoming dehydrated or suffering a heat stroke. There will be more appropriate times for sports, unless we talk about swimming in cool water, because this will come in hot days.

  • A good diet is essential for any member of the family if we want the heat not to wreak havoc. To do this, it increases the consumption of fruits and vegetables, in fresh foods such as salads, fruit salad ... These foods keep children well hydrated and also provide fiber, vitamins ... Stews or heavy roasts can wait. Pasta, potatoes or rice can be taken in rich fresh combinations, in salads.

  • That the child wears appropriate clothes, fresh, light, not tight to the body, made of cotton, breathable. Footwear must also adapt to high temperatures, although if they are at home, the theme of clothing relaxes.

  • Protect your child from the sun, avoid prolonged exposure in the central hours and go, together with sun creams, to protections such as caps, umbrellas, awnings ...

  • Plan the activities at the beginning of the day or at sunset, when the sun is not so intense and temperatures drop. In the worst hours, if you are on vacation, it is convenient to propose activities at home (there are many fun options) or go to conditioned places in the event that our house does not have the possibility (libraries, social centers, take advantage to make the purchase in the Mall… ). Water games are very refreshing, as well as the beach or pool if you have the possibility, but avoiding the central hours of more sun and heat.

  • If you are at home, try to keep it cool with the help of fans or air conditioning. Regarding this last system, remember that in itself it is not harmful to babies, but there are certain keys so that it does not harm them, such as maintaining the temperature between 23-25 ​​degrees and without humidity, so that they do not catch cold, or Do not put them directly under the air stream.

  • Watch your children, do not leave them alone in the sun or locked in a car, check their general condition, the ingestion of liquids (they may have altered the perception of thirst or "forget" to ask ...).

When the heat wave poses a risk to children

Thanks to these guidelines we will minimize the risks associated with a heat wave, but we must be alert in case we notice any of the following symptoms in our children:

  • Increase in body temperature: when the body raises its temperature too much and is not able to control it, a rapid increase occurs, which is known as heat stroke.

  • Red, hot and dry skin or rapid pulse are other symptoms of heat stroke.

  • Throbbing headache, dizziness, confusion, nausea, fatigue ...

  • In the most severe cases, red skin and no sweat; loss of consciousness.

In any of these cases he seeks medical help and tries to lower his temperature by placing it in a shady, cool place, fanning it, loosening his clothes and by applying warm cloths or water in the warm shower, to cool him. If you are conscious and do not vomit, offer liquids that rehydrate and cool you, with mineral salts (but not too cold).

If the child vomits and is lying down, weak, you have to tilt your head while it cools and if you are unconscious keep the airways free and wait for medical services. If a child loses consciousness, presents vomiting or signs of mental confusion, it is necessary to seek medical attention immediately.

We hope not to reach these dangerous extremes. Following all these tips we will ensure that the heat wave does not ruin the holidays with children, and we hope to be lucky and that we do not fall too hot temperatures this summer ...

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In Babies and more | Heatwave and children, Care for children before a heatwave