What is early care and what is it for?

Developmental disorders have great individual, family and social significance, so when a child suffers from any of them, they talk about early attention, to minimize the negative effects on its growth and evolution, reduce limitations, avoid discrimination ...

That is, if a child has a developmental disorder and does not receive attention, it is more likely to have more serious difficulties to continue a normal life, even that disorder could worsen. Early attention tries to avoid it.

Thus early detection of deficiencies is very important, since this and the early attention of these children with difficulties to reach a normal course of development are key elements to optimize their positive evolution.

Recall that all children between the ages of zero and six who manifest any type of deficiency and those that are included in the groups of high biological, psychological and / or social risk are susceptible to receiving Early Attention.

The "White Book of Early Care", prepared by the State Federation of Associations of Early Care Professionals (GAT), edited by the former Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, attempts to define the concept and provides guidance on levels and intervention areas, the basic principles ...

Early attention: definition

Early Attention It is universally recognized as a set of actions that are oriented towards prevention and assistance intervention of children who are in situations of risk or who have a disability.

At the same time, it is a set of interventions that are used to guarantee family conditions and response to these circumstances in different vital environments. It has drawn the main lines on which it should run, becoming the fundamental reference framework in terms of principles, organization and functions to plan, channel and respond effectively to children and families.

This definition and the principles contained in the Early Care White Paper We owe them to an interdisciplinary scientific consensus of the various specialties that converge in this field. This is an important reference for public administrations, professionals, associations and families.

Early Care is based on scientific principles of several disciplines: Pediatrics, Neurology, Psychology, Psychiatry, Pedagogy, Physiotherapy, Linguistics ... That is why it is important to detect in different areas (with adequate access to health services) and in many cases the coordination of the different specialties.

Finally, after knowing the definition of "Early Attention", we must emphasize what its objective is: to offer children with deficits or at risk of suffering a set of optimizing and compensating actions that facilitate their adequate maturation in all areas and that allows them to reach the highest level of personal development and social integration.

Definitely, early attention It aims to compensate for individual inequalities and the right to achieve the most normalized evolutionary development possible and a full and independent life of all people. A pity that the state resources are not able to cover everything necessary, because what happens if the affected families cannot cope either? Without a doubt, these children's rights are undermined.

Video: The National Early Child Care Collaboratives Program (May 2024).