Seven simple ways to improve children's care

Did you know that attention is one of the most important brain functions for child development? About seven out of 10 children under 16 have attention deficits. In addition, attention span is directly related to academic performance.

In this article I will teach you seven simple ways to improve your child's attention in a 100% natural and fun way that you can put into practice on the fly and that will give you results in a few days

  1. Improve nutrition with natural foods rich in omega 3
  2. Establish an exercise routine
  3. Visit green spaces outdoors
  4. Let your child spend time with animals
  5. Teach him to play chess
  6. It favors the use of mind games
  7. Share quality time with your children

What all parents should know about the importance of omega 3 in infant feeding

Omega 3 is an essential substance for proper brain development. DHA and EPA, two types of omega 3, are part of all body cells. The highest concentrations of omega 3 are in the skin and nervous system and act as a lubricant for many of the mechanisms of brain functioning.

Our body does not manufacture omega 3 and therefore, we need to eat them in the diet. Foods with a higher content of omega 3 are the fruits, vegetables, olive oil and blue fish. The Mediterranean diet is famous for its high content of these fatty acids. Both omega 3 and omega 6 are considered heart healthy.

Children with attention deficit (ADHD) appear to have low levels of omega 3. Infant milks have been supplementing with DHA and EPA for years because they have been shown to improve the neurological and visual development of babies.

The secret system to improve your child's concentration thanks to exercise

There is much talk about the benefits of exercise for our body. There are studies that show positive effects on mood.

The effects of physical exercise on our brain and metabolism have also been studied. The increase in heart rate leads to a greater blood supply to the brain. The oxygenated blood that leads to the brain enhances the functioning of different brain processes. A more efficient operation of neuronal regulation mechanisms improves the balance of neurotransmitters

All these processes bring benefits at the cognitive, emotional and sensory level. There is a greater release of endorphins and other substances that favor feelings of relaxation, well-being and happiness.

The secret that nobody tells you about the importance of living near green areas for children's brains

Nature is wise for many reasons. Plants perform fundamental biological processes for our survival. The light stimulates the process of photosynthesis and with it, the manufacture of oxygen constantly This process cleanses the air, reduces pollution and improves the fauna of the environment

Natural colors have positive effects on our neurological system. The contact with nature strengthens our immune system. Immunity plays an important role in the inflammatory processes of our body. There are ancient studies on the effects of nature's noise on our senses (waves of the sea, river water, animal noises ...)

All these factors without crucial in the first years of life, when children's neurological development is in full expansion and the development of executive functions such as attention, begin their way.

Two ways to enhance your child's intellectual abilities thanks to animals

There are two main alternatives to make children relate to animals.

  • Pet at home
  • Activities with animals

In one way or another, the important thing is to be clear about the main characteristics of the relationship between children and animals that benefit your child so much.

On the one hand, no matter how old your child is, the relationship or communication between children and animals is not the same as between humans or between animals. This relationship is based on aspects that adults often miss.

  • Children and animals do not need to talk to understand each other
  • Feelings are transmitted fluently
  • The looks, the gestures and the sounds say much more than the words
  • Physical contact is another fundamental factor.

For healthy children as well as for children with neurological problems or any disability, contact with animals is extremely recommended.

How to improve your child's attention thanks to chess

Board games are a childhood classic for all of us. Some were more of the Parcheesi, others of the goose. The ladies are a mini version of the use of the board but chess takes the cake.

In recent years, due to the importance of Attention Deficit Disorder with or without Hyperactivity, many studies have been conducted on different ways to improve care in these children. Chess has been one of the most studied games and the results have been very exciting.

It is important to be clear that there are multiple ways through which chess helps improve attention in children, but one of the most important is that it favors interaction and communication.

There are electronic games that will help your child increase their concentration while having a fun time

Electronic devices (mobile, tablet, computer, game consoles ...) have become a regular in the homes of our country. On many occasions, its irrational and uncontrolled use has led to the development of addictive behavior in children as well as social problems.

On the other hand, the same characteristics that make its uncontrolled use dangerous give it an advantageous role in favoring the mental and cognitive development of children if their use is carried out in an organized and responsible manner.

The electronic devices produce an immediate, repetitive and continuous reinforcement with each small image, sound or stimulus that it generates. These stimuli produce an extra release of neurotransmitters that improves the level of motivation and with it, attention and different learning processes.

Why do you have trouble spending time with your child and why should you change it?

This has also been studied. For example, kangaroo care in cases of premature newborns has very positive effects on neurological development. In children who spend part of their childhood in orphanages or foster homes, growth and learning alterations are more frequent than in children of the same age

In summary

  1. The feeding is fundamental
  2. The exercise is essential
  3. Nature is our best ally
  4. Put an animal in your life and take care of it
  5. Not everything that seems boring, it is
  6. Electronic devices are not always bad
  7. Your son needs time with you, give it to him.


  • Children's brain is constantly developing
  • You can help him to develop his full potential
  • Nature is wise and helps us in this process
  • Take care of your child's mind and body to grow strong and healthy
About Manuel Antonio Fernández: Neuropediatra Expert in Learning, Behavior and Development of Children and Adolescents. Founder of the Andalusian Institute of Pediatric Neurology Director of the I Online Master in Neuropediatrics and Neurodevelopment.
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