Doubtful adoptions?

In Catalonia, only 3% of the people who choose to adopt a child are considered unsuitable due to some circumstances, such as the behavior of the adopters, the economic situation, etc.

The reality is that in other European countries, this rejection reaches up to 30%, which gives the impression that in Catalonia a right has been prioritized for parents to adopt. This right does not exist and is contradictory to the right that a child may have for parents to take care of. This data can worry and lift some doubts or suspicions about adoptions obviously.

The following reflection would be, why in other countries there is a higher rate of rejection, perhaps because the future parents of the child are studied more thoroughly to ensure that they can be well cared for? If in Catalonia the same system of selection of adoptive parents were applied, perhaps there would not be such a low rejection rate or perhaps Catalan parents are better par excellence, in any case, ensuring the rights of the child is paramount. Spain is the second country in the world that has more adoptions, for us, this fact is totally satisfactory, represents the great solidarity and good intentions that the inhabitants of our country have, and we know how difficult and laborious it is to adopt a child, now well Are the control measures on the parents to be adopted the most appropriate? Why is that difference between the rejections of Catalan parents and the parents of other European countries? What do you think?

Video: APOCRPHYA The Adoption Files 0001 (May 2024).