Jon's Instruction Manual (Part One)

They say babies don't carry Instruction Manual. What a big mistake. Mine, like everyone else, wears oneof course The problem is that we have not been taught to understand it. Moreover, they have taught us that although you think you understand it, it is not so.

Jon was born by caesarean section. He did bradycardia after the administration of the Epidural-Oxytocin pack and thought that he had a cord twist that caused them (then we learned that the cord cord does not give, much less, as many problems as it is believed and that the bradycardias occur largely by oxytocin administered). That night, his birth choked several times ... "He chokes on his spit !!" we thought

Jon's manual

Introduction - Birth (by caesarean section)

Welcome dad and mom to my birth. After about 12 hours of waiting and contractions by my mother, I have been waiting for the moment to leave patiently for that little door into the life that my mother has been opening for me all day, little by little. I have waited calmly, since after 9 months now it doesn't come to me for a few hours. I really want to see you, I guess you think the same as me.

I thank you very much that you are waiting, just an objection, I have more or less placed to leave and it has cost me a bit. I have caused Mom a little annoyance to see if she was encouraged to walk a little to help me place and put my head in that little door that opens to invite me out, but Mom has been lying down and it has cost me more to do so. It certainly takes longer like this

Suddenly I do not know what happened, it seems that this patience has been exhausted and I have begun to notice some very strong movements in my mother who have totally imprisoned me, for a few seconds, without even giving me time to recover, since when that feeling has stopped, It has immediately appeared again. I have begun to feel bad, very bad, like dizzy, and after a while, I have noticed that they were taking me from my mother, but not where I wanted to leave, but that they have taken me away from the little door. It has been all very rare.

As it has been different and I have not been able to leave where I needed to, among other things, take out all the liquid that I have inside, the first night I will let you know often because I will choke. Don't be scared, but please be for me. I'm going to do what I can to get all this amniotic fluid inside me, but it's going to cost me and maybe I'll give you some scare. It is not my intention.

That night I hardly slept. Doubts, nerves and Jon choking continuously ... pouring amniotic fluid all night. That liquid that would have expelled in the birth canal where babies "squeeze" before birth preparing their lungs for a new type of survival, breathing.

To be continue…