Prepare children to accept homosexuality

We can prepare children to accept homosexuality? Of course we can and also, we should do it.

Despite the normalization achieved both socially and legally by homosexuals, bisexuals and transsexuals, the reality is that homophobic behaviors continue to be detected as, and I have found especially dramatic, in childhood. We were told by our colleagues in Ambiente G, who explain that more than half of Spanish students suffer harassment due to their sexual condition and, although there are no data in Spain, it is known to be one of the most notorious causes of adolescent suicides.

Homosexuality in schools

The work of educators in the schools It is very important, both in the detection of problems and in the normalization of homosexuality with talks or conversations.

The Triangle Association even conducted a campaign to avoid bullying gay children in schools.

However, precisely in the school environment, rare is the teacher who does not act yet in the closet. Of course, the sexual condition is something private and nobody has to give explanations to anyone, but if I find it worrying, from the educational point of view and from the perspective of latent homophobia, that teachers rarely behave openly to in this respect, exactly as heterosexuals do.

The indispensable educational work of parents

On the other hand, apart from school, the fundamental educational work must be done by parents In the home. Homophobic father will no doubt transmit his hatred and prejudices to his children, and in this case, only the environment can limit the damage. But, and I trust that, most Spanish families do not have homophobic feelings and their failure, in this respect, is based on silence.

If we do not talk to our children, since childhood, about homosexuality, they will find themselves without family data and references when faced with this idea. When should we start?

Actually, rather than sitting down to explain to them, it is about assuming in the conversations this as normal, introducing comments about it, so that they understand that heterosexual sexuality is not the only way in which normal and healthy human beings will act. And of course, never hiding or lying about situations that arise in daily life, taking advantage of them to address the issue.

That some friend of his parents is homosexual and this is not hidden from them, simply by offering them the opportunity to meet these people and giving them this information as a more biographical fact, it is part of our parental duties.

There are stories to sensitize children about homosexuality, songs, books, plays and short films that can help parents.

There are some cartoon characters that, without saying it openly, can help children to better understand homosexuality. Timon and Pumba, Epi and Blas, and, my favorite, Pleakey, the transvestite alien of Lilo and Stich, which is a great resource to familiarize the little ones normally. Surely you can think of a few more.

Gay children

Our children will grow and some will be gay. Even if some parents scare or dislike them. They have to educate themselves first because life can put them in this circumstance. Parents who know they have homophobic feelings should reflect, when their children are young, about this, to change the hand of love towards their children and what they may have a day to tell them.

There are children who from a very young age know that they are not heterosexual, although it will be in adolescence when the situation is clearer. However, for younger children, they should also be accepted and not forced to sexual orientation or punished if they have behaviors "not typical of their sex", although, these cases do not mean that the child will be attracted in the future by people of Same sex You just have to let them grow free and without fear.

Even in the Netherlands, a web page for homosexual children has been created, where they can find resources to face their homosexuality.

Having grown up in an open and dialogic environment will help them to assume themselves as they are, without fear or concealment, always sure that we will accept and love the person they are. And, in addition, the have prepared them to accept homosexuality It will prevent them from receiving negative information or developing homophobic behaviors in the future.

Video: Child of lesbian parents opposes gay marriage. ABC News (May 2024).