Myths about breastfeeding: "I think I'm going to breastfeed because my hair falls out a lot"

A few days ago a mother of a five-month-old girl told me that He wanted to leave his chest and he wanted to start feeding his daughter because he was losing a lot of hair.

I explained, as a pediatric nurse, that it was normal for her hair to fall out, but not because of breastfeeding, as many people had said, but because it was a natural process after giving birth. In other words, that the association between hair loss and breastfeeding is a myth, so I told him that if he wanted to stop breastfeeding I would explain how to do it, but that the hair would remain the same.

Hair cycles

The hair goes through different cycles from birth to death, which are basically three: be born, grow and die. Every day we drop hairs, in the shower, when we comb our hair, when suddenly we find one in our clothes, when we see that our son has two hairs clutched in his fists, etc.

The funny thing is that, despite this, we are not bald (or women are not bald). This happens because when some hairs are dying others are being born. If they all died at the same time and if they were all born at once there would be times when we would not have hair and times when we would enjoy an impressive pile of hair.

During pregnancy the hair goes to rest

Surely you have ever heard that "pregnant women have beautiful hair" and is usually true because in the nine months that a woman is pregnant the hair goes to rest. This means that the hair grows normally, but does not fall out. Of course, nobody usually complains about this… nobody says “Arggg! My hair does not fall out! ”, Because in fact many women will not even realize that they do not fall out. Simply, they see that the hair is great and they enjoy it (I suppose).

After giving birth all phases return to the load

Then the woman gives birth and the hormonal system is restored, causing the hair to function normally again. At that time all the normal phase upset between hairs, the one that causes a balance and a woman never looks bald, is little messy, too balanced, and many hairs fall at once, giving the feeling that the woman has a problem ("breastfeeding", "this child that consumes you", "look at the anemia, baby").

"What if I take something for my hair?"

In summary, the fact that the hair falls out is normal and nothing needs to be done because as the weeks and months pass the phases of being born, growing and dying will be deregulated again so that the balance exists again (or imbalance) that makes you look as beautiful as always and with that mane you have always had.

Many women buy vitamins, brewer's yeast and even shampoos or hair lotions, some specially designed for when hair falls out after pregnancy. They all have the same effect: that there is less money in the wallet and the same hair. That is, if you want to drink something, do it, but that's not why your hair will fall less. If you drink something your hair will come out in a while, if you don't drink anything your hair will come out at the same time.