Beginning April 11, the Holy Week Camps start at Zoo Aquarium in Madrid

Madrid Aquarium Zoo prepares for the arrival of Easter school holidays with a busy schedule and a proposal full of emotions to children between 4 and 14 years old. The goal is to discover the most impressive animals that inhabit land, sea and air in the Zoo.

The adventure of Easter Camps starts on April 11 with a great Welcome to Planet Zoo to learn about the first young of spring, how caregivers and veterinarians work and to share the most interesting anecdotes in the park every day.

Also the days April 14, 15 and 16 the activity is presented The largest zoo in the world in which the kids will discover the most amazing secrets of nature: how they feed the most fascinating animals on the planet, what their customs are, what particularities they have in their species, etc. Among the animals that can be seen are rhinos, dolphins, exotic birds and many raptors that will be protagonists of this trip by land, sea and air in which its participants expect surprises, strong emotions and large doses of adventure.

The Easter Camps The Aquarium Zoo in Madrid will be held for four days under different themes:

  • Friday, April 11. Welcome to Planet Zoo
  • Monday 14, Tuesday 15 and Wednesday April 16, 2014: The world's largest Zoo I, II and III

The ages that apply to the camps are from 4 to 14 years and the schedule It is 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.. The prices per workshop are 46 euros per child per day. For two days it is 82 euros for children, three days 112 euros for children and 142 euros for children.

In addition, parents have a childcare service that is extended from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. The price is 5 euros per shift.

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