Interesting Articles 2024


Fights heartburn in pregnancy

The large production of progesterone and estrogens (yes, hormones again) is to blame for the unpleasant heartburn during the second half of the arm. It happens that, the hormones relax the muscles of the digestive system, including the muscular ring that is between the esophagus and the stomach, allowing the stomach acids and part of the digested food to reflux into the esophagus producing burning or burning sensation.

The poster depicting a map of British literature set in London

At home I have an interesting debate with my daughter about the books she can read now that at school she is encouraged to do so strongly. Since in my time there was not so much offer of books, nor Internet to choose from, nor so much bookstore with children's area, we ended up reading Enid Blyton, Julio Verne, Emilio Salgari, Alejandro Dumas, Mark Twain, Charles Dickens and Miguel Delibes (The Way ).

When I grow up I want to be like my older brother

Who has never wanted, when we were little, to be the same as our older brothers when we grew up? . At least I have thought about it. In fact, I still want it. And, in part, I am what I am, because of my older brother. And I want to take this opportunity to thank you for everything you have taught me.

The characters of Caillou to give at Christmas

We have already commented on the blog why we love the children's cartoon series Caillou. Among other things, because it fosters the family spirit, because it is an example of affectionate upbringing and because parents never lose their papers with Caillou and his little sister. The truth is that the character of Caillou, a restless and curious child like all four-year-old children, has taken a deep look at the children's audience becoming one of his favorite series, translated into several languages ​​and even winner of prizes such as the Festival The pacifier.

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Did you know that children can start eating eggs with six months?

It has been 7 years since a review of studies was carried out to find out what foods had to be offered first to the babies, which ones later and with what foods one had to wait longer, and the results surprised everyone, when concluding that there was no evidence that show that no food was better than another at the beginning and that, in reality, from six months on, virtually any food could be given.

Summer recipes for kids: rice with tomatoes and eggs

When I started to prepare the list of summer recipes for babies for babies and more that we are publishing during July and August, rice with tomatoes and eggs was one of my first ideas, since it is the dish that my niece always asks me Irene when she comes to eat at home. This simplified version of the Cuban rice recipe, --which we prepare without fried plantain or other possible complements--, is basically that: cooked rice, homemade fried tomato and fried eggs.

The maximum level of melanin in liquid artificial milks for infants has been established

The maximum level of melanin in artificial artificial milk for infants is one of the standards recently established by the UN. It is known that melamine can be lethal in high concentrations and has been used illegally to increase the apparent protein content in food products, such as artificial milk for infants and milk powder. It has been the commission of the Codex Alimentarius to fix the maximum limit of 0.15 milligrams / kilogram of melamine in liquid milk for infants.

Behaviorism techniques in "parenting methods"

There is a current of thought that considers the child to be a manipulative and selfish being whom his parents and educators must tame to get him to do what they have decided is appropriate, regardless of whether the child understands and assumes those rules as necessary. or if the way to achieve their obedience is beneficial for the child or emotionally harms him.

New vehicles that become dinosaurs in the 'Switch & Go Dinos' collection of Vtech

Giganotosaurio The leading company in the educational electronic toys sector brings us new signings to 'the collection of vehicles that become ... dinosaurs!'. Like the rest of the company's products, they are designed to stimulate the senses of the little ones, and in the range you will find fun convertible vehicles for children from one year to eight.

101 girl names that start with the letter T

Choosing the name of the baby is one of the most exciting moments that parents live, although the choice is not always easy and fast. Some prefer short names, while others bet on compounds. The animal kingdom, the sea or well-known writers and artists can also be an excellent source of inspiration.

Cases of childhood hypercholesterolemia increase

Some children may have high cholesterol and it is not strange, the main cause is feeding, obviously. This is childhood hypercholesterolemia, a growing problem among Toledo children who register new cases every year. But not only in the children of this population, we mention them with respect to the news that we link.

Baby names that follow fashions, do parents regret it?

Last year in the United States some of the appellants that were at the top of the lists of the names most given to babies are Edward and Isabella. Maybe these names sound to you: they are the protagonists of the successful literary and cinematographic saga "Twilight". Fortunately, these are not called "Devil" and "Witch", to say something ("Demon" and "Witch"), because I fear that, although not as successfully as Edward and Isabella, more or less common and euphonic names, They would also have tried to sneak into the baby name records.

More and more schools decide not to celebrate Father's and Mother's Day, considering it obsolete and discriminatory

On March 19 we will celebrate Father's Day, and there are already many children who are preparing in their schools a detail to give to their parents. From custom cups, to drawings with their patterned prints or plasticine figurines. Any gift is worth surprising dad! But this emotional tradition, along with the feast of Mother's Day, is beginning to disappear in many schools, which consider that the current family model in Spain is changing and children must adapt to this new reality.

Jewels of Tous for Mother's Day

A few days ago I told you about the Tous signature jewelry collection for babies. Now, given the proximity to Mother's Day, I want to show you a line created especially to entertain moms. For those who value a beautiful piece, the star of the collection is an 18-carat yellow gold and diamond medallion.