Do you like to stroke your belly during pregnancy? A study found that your baby too

One of the things I enjoyed most in my pregnancy was caress my belly, especially after the second quarter, when it was already noticed that my daughter was coming. And it feels very nice to know that within you a new life is being created, that since before birth it has already stolen your heart.

Stroking the belly or touching it gently is something that feels good. But, Did you know that those caresses that you do to your belly also like your baby? A study shows us.

The study

Researchers from the School of Psychology at the University of Dundee in the United Kingdom conducted a study to analyze what was the behavior of the fetus when listening to the voice and feeling the touch of their mothers.

To carry out the study, 23 pregnant women participated: 10 in the second trimester and 13 in the third trimester, all between weeks 21 and 33 of pregnancy. Sonographs were used and recorded the movements of the babies when the mothers spoke and caressed the belly.

It was found that fetuses showed more movements of arms, head and mouth when mothers touched their bellies, while movements decreased when they spoke. In addition, babies who were in the third trimester showed more responses to these stimuli compared to those who were barely in the second trimester, which could reflect the process of maturation of the nervous system.

In general, the study found that the maternal touch in the belly is a very powerful stimulus, which produces different responses in the baby's behavior.

Enjoy your pregnant belly

They may wonder, hadn't they said babies don't hear anything when they're in the belly? It is true that new things are discovered every day that change what we thought, but let's not let that put us off. We can continue doing it, especially if it causes us illusion, because speaking to the belly is good even if the baby is not able to listen to us, since it serves those of us who are outside because we can create an emotional bond with him.

About the movements are reduced when you "listen" to the mother's voice, maybe (it's just my theory) that is because when we talk to our belly pregnant women we do it with love, and we transmit that emotional tranquility to our baby, getting him to relax too.

With these results we can feel even cuter by touching our belly and doing it frequentlyWell, now we know that our baby also likes to feel our hands.