Food and sperm

Healthy eating is related to all the organs of our body and with all aspects of our life. Fertility was not going to be an exception. But normally, in this blog and in general, we always place more emphasis on the mother's diet before and during pregnancy, and on breastfeeding.

Well, following our quota law Now it's their turn to take care of themselves, because they are the sterile couple share in 30% of cases.

Although in men, most cases of infertility are due to a low sperm content in semen (oligospermia) or at low mobility of them, the specialists assure that many of the causes of difficulties for the fertilization respond well to changes in the alimentary habits and of lifestyle.

An investigation by the American Society of Reproductive Medicine found that the 83% of infertile men had low consumption of fruits and vegetables (less than five servings a day) versus the fertile.

The essential nutrients for healthy sperm They are:

  1. Folic acid: its deficiency affects the number and mobility of sperm. Folic acid is very abundant in green leafy vegetables, legumes and whole grains.
  2. Zinc: It is an essential mineral for the function of the male reproductive system, being involved in the growth and development of the sexual organs. The quantity and mobility of sperm are directly related to zinc levels in the body. It is contained in pumpkin seeds, shellfish, liver, meat, fish, eggs, dairy and other nuts and legumes.
  3. Vitamin C: Due to its antioxidant nature, it favors the detoxification of some heavy metals such as lead and cadmium, which positively influences the quality and quantity of semen and the function of the sexual organs. Very present in fruits and vegetables.
  4. Selenium: directly associated with male reproductive function, it participates in the secretion of testosterone and improves the mobility and quantity of sperm. Whole grains, nuts and seeds contain them.
  5. Vitamin E: Due to its antioxidant capacity, it counteracts the harmful action of free radicals on sperm motility and semen quality. Wheat germ is the most concentrated natural source of vitamin E. Also in nuts and virgin olive oil.
  6. Vitamin A: protects the cells of the male reproductive system from the premature aging process produced by free radicals. It promotes fertility as it participates in the formation of steroids, the basis of sex hormones. This vitamin is abundant in butter, whole milk, eggs and liver. It is also present in the form of beta-carotene (precursor of vitamin A in the body) in carrots, squash, apricots and in most reddish-orange vegetables, as well as in leafy green vegetables.

Do you need more excuses to sign up for the true Mediterranean diet? Your health in general and the sperm in particular will thank you.