This will be the next education law that the Government plans to pass for the next course

Isabel Celaá, acting Minister of Education and Vocational Training, took advantage yesterday of her intervention in the Conference 'Education to Debate', of the State Confederation of Student Associations (CANAE), to announce that The Government plans to approve its educational law next year 2019-2020 and accompany it with an inclusive education decree That caters to diversity.

Among the novelties to include: customize assessments, and provide schools with accessibility resources and expert professionals in inclusion.

Inclusive education

During her participation in an educational debate, the minister explained that the steps to achieve the purpose of an education for all goes through:

  • Ensure a "solid" teacher training in attention to diversity.

  • A comprehensive review of the curriculum to make the school organization more flexible.

  • Provide schools with accessibility resources and expert professionals in inclusion.

  • Strengthen early care services, from birth to adulthood.

  • Integrate professionals from all three sectors: Education, Health and Social Services.

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Other Government proposals in Education

Although on this occasion Isabel Celaá has not delved into the changes that the new education law will entail, she did so a few months ago in her first appearance before the Education Committee of the Congress and that in her opinion they contribute to inequality. In addition, it was specified in a draft Law that was approved as a project on February 15, 2019. It includes these most notable points:

  • The Religion subject will cease to be computable in the student's academic records. This means that it will no longer count towards the average grade, nor will it be taken into account in the scholarship application. Of course, it will continue to be mandatory for schools and optional for students.

  • The alternative subject to Religion will disappear. In its place, the subject of Ethical and Civic Values ​​focused on "human rights and civic-democratic virtues".

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  • For the admission of studentsWhen there are not enough school places, single-parent families or the status of victim of sexist violence or terrorism will be assessed.

  • The History of Philosophy will be mandatory in 2nd year of Baccalaureate (currently it is optional).

  • The division between subjects will disappear Trunks, specific and freely configurable in Primary and Secondary.

  • The distribution of hours for Spanish language and co-official languages It will be the responsibility of the educational administrations, as well as what subjects should be taught in each of them.

  • The Government will be responsible for design the curriculum. School schedules must be met in 65% in communities that do not have co-official language and in 55% in those that do.

  • Curriculum Diversification Programs will be rescued to support students with all kinds of needs performance difficulties.

In addition, a specific reinforcement plan will be designed for children that the system believes they should repeat as an exceptional measure.

  • The directors of the public centers will be elected by the School Councils, which will also decide on the management and evaluation of the centers. In addition, in the School Council of the centers agreed there will be a councilor or representative of the city council in whose municipal term the center is located.
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  • The University Access test It will be the one before the Lomce: a single exam that, together with the Baccalaureate qualifications, will assess academic maturity, acquired knowledge and ability to successfully follow university studies.

  • Affordable early childhood education. Financing of support and orientation programs for fathers and mothers of children under three years of age with the lowest income.

  • Modernization of Vocational Training. The Ministry intends to modernize this teaching in cooperation with the Ministry of Employment, social agents, businessmen and unions, to integrate the FP education system and training for employment.

Also, it is wanted to update the catalog of courses and the National System of Qualifications and FP will be reactivated.

Flexibilization of the teaching system

  • High school. It will continue to be two years, but students who have suspended two subjects in the first, will not have to repeat the entire course, only recover the pending subjects.

  • In addition, they may enroll in some subject of the second course, but not of the second full course.

  • The Baccalaureate degree can be obtained for compensation, when not all subjects are approved except one.

  • Revalids will be eliminated. Yes there will be diagnostic evaluations at the end of the stage of the basic skills achieved by the students. They will be informative, formative and guiding. They will only show you.

  • ** Itineraries will be repealed as of 3º of the ESO. That is to say, children will not have to choose if in 3rd of the ESO they want to opt for letters or sciences as before.

But the Opportunity Improvement Programs will be established from this course for that Secondary stage. With them you can obtain 'the unique title of the ESO' that will allow access to both the Baccalaureate and the FP.

  • The Basic FP will allow to obtain the graduate degree in ESO and the level 1 qualification of the National Catalog of Professional Qualifications.

  • End with differentiated education for boys and girls in the concerted centers. In addition, the 'social demand' will be eliminated to offer them. The Administration must promote sufficient public places. Sion the communities that you must develop the concerts from a general regulation established by the Government.

But as the Minister of Education also explained, to get ahead will require a "serious and solid financing pact that guarantees stable resources". So we will have to wait to see if as the Government intends, these measures come into operation before the next course.

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